OT: C# now has ref and const ref return
Bert at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 12:36:53 UTC 2019
On Wednesday, 7 August 2019 at 10:45:44 UTC, Ethan wrote:
> On Tuesday, 6 August 2019 at 11:59:04 UTC, Bert wrote:
>> I'm about 10x as productive in other languages than D. It's
>> not the language itself as it is everything around it. It's
>> great for minor things like utilities or simple one offs but
>> few in the right mind will use D for anything major(as a
>> serious massive app targeted as the real public).
> So this is a good point and a bad point rolled in to one.
> Manu has mentioned VisualD, and his points are spot on. It's
> good, but I keep hitting rough edges. Associative arrays inside
> templated types don't display in the debugger for me, for
> example.
I run in to all kinds of issues with Visual D constantly, it is
not nearly as bad as it was but it has issues. It's one guy that
has a life trying just to maintain it, at some point it too goes
by the wayside.
> But being productive in other languages. Well.
Depends on what one defines as productive.
> This serious massive app targeted at the real public that I'm
> working on has the native component written in D. Server and
> client backends; and a runtime component that will be linked in
> to your program.
But you are one person who has decided to use D in that regard,
and funny how you didn't strictly do it in D alone! That actually
says a lot about D.
> The only native UI framework that gives me the performance and
> quality I need is WPF.
Oh, but wait, we have dlang-ui, nuclear-d, well, here:
I just wonder what the glass ceiling is?
> Anyone that tries telling me that C# is a more protective
> language than in D only needs to take a look at my codebase to
> see just how much boilerplate my D code needs to generate for
> my C# code to be written as quickly as D code. Every time I try
> to use generics in C#, either the language or the .NET runtime
> quickly reminds me that generics were an afterthought and I
> often have to stop using generics and resort to writing D code
> that does the job the C# compiler should.
It depends on what you are doing. I was using C# before I moved
to D precisely because of some of these limitations. It was the
generics that was limiting(things have changed somewhat by now
though)... I thought D's meta programming might handle it, and it
D, and the meta programming is superior, but
EVERYTHING(virtually) is a fail! I think the only other thing is
compile times. C#'s library design and functionality is
superior, C#'s IDE is superior(because of the issues with VD),
C#'s utilities are superior, C#'s community is superior, etc...
In fact, the reason why I had issues with C# was not just
generics but performance for high widget count in wpf and the
pain of it was giving me(I can't remember the details but it
killed my app even using their recommendations).
> C# isn't at a point where I'd link it in to a major console
> game for runtime operations. return ref is good and all that,
> but there's still boxing and unboxing of even basic types that
> happens. Not to mention that to talk to any game codebase
> (outside of Unity games) requires marshalling and unmarshalling.
Yes, this is an issue with the managed code, but for many people
not writing games it is not an issue and C# generally is quite
amazing performant given what it does and some of the features it
> But on the other hand, I can load a PNG easily with C#. When I
> tried using libpng in D last year, the two (TWO) separate
> packages on dub didn't compile under the then-current DMD
> version. One of the packages was updated earlier this year, but
> it's too late, I'm using Adam Ruppe's PNG handler. That D has
> no quality control on what is a *CRITICAL* library these days
> is kinda insane.
Yes, but this sort of thing in D is all over the place. Most
libraries are defunct. Adams library is good because it works but
I find it's structure quite annoying. It's a hodge podge of code
and he tends to write in large files. I had to modify some of his
simpledisplay to get some functionality I wanted for windows but
maintaining it with any updates he pushes is a mess. I did it as
a simple project but it worked well enough, but to go back and
find all my changes to push to him or fork would be a pain and
not worth it. What it means is that I have something that works
for my purposes but because I don't want to put in the time to
make it better I'm stuck.
What I'd expect from D is how C# works, a nice library that is
written very cleanly, organized, great docs, etc... It's a pipe
dream, I know... but imagine if D was C# in "every" regard except
the language and was native!
That would be heaven to me. It would be a programming environment
that I enjoy, that when I go to program code I feel good about it
because I know I'm very productive and I'm not constantly running
in to pot holes that distract me from my main goal. These things
wear on a person after a while. Going down a long dirt road to a
very nice mansion is great the first few times but after your
suspension goes, and your car is full of dirt, it starts to be a
> So. My point - writing code in D is easy, and my project would
> not be where it is right now were it not for the deep
> introspection and metaprogramming techniques I'm using.
> Integrating D code in to the wider ecosystem, however, is where
> things get tricky.
Writing code in D, for the most part is easy and great. Getting
that code to work is not as easy, but integraing it in the
ecosyste is the problem.. and that is why you are mixing it with
wpf... and that should be a serious flag of "WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!" and
the reason is simple, Walter doesn't give a shit about having
proper gui, audio, video, or anything else. For him these things
are not relevant so he will not push for them. He says "Someone
wrote a library for that"... yeah, but that library doesn't work
or is not maintained... or has depreciated features.
.NET is "complete" basically anything you want to do and you can
do it, it has a few things that are not, it's almost entire
performance related and meta programming related. If C# had D's
performance and D's meta programing I would be using C#. You
would be too... and that is a problem for D, not C#. [While I
think wpf is quite bloated and such it still functions quite well
after one learns the in's and outs. I don't like xaml programing
but at the end of the day it does exactly what it says and there
are no major problems and I can always go at it programatically,
so I get to choose how much of one I want to go with. I like
I want D to catch up to what languages like C# does(even Haskell
does certain things so much better that D could learn from) but
my feeling is that the leadership is not interested in making D
compete with these languages. They are happy where it's at. That
is a problem for me because I'm not happy where it's at and it
means another 5 years of the same thing, and then 10, and then
20. I want my programming life to get easier, not stay the same.
I want to be able to enjoy programming while being productive.
It's like having a Ferrari that is always breaking down... at
some point it becomes an issue and the coolness factor fades and
at some point you want to give it away too the next sucker.
D can be competitive with these other platforms, but I see no
real interest in the community to make it so. It's more like it
wants to care out it's own niche. I will continue to use D for
odd ball stuff such as simple utilities that I write to increase
my own productivity, and maybe a few simulations but I will not
use it to write any more apps, it's just too much trouble.
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