DIP 1022--foreach auto ref--Community Review Round 1
ajieskola at gmail.com
Wed Aug 14 15:39:31 UTC 2019
On Tuesday, 13 August 2019 at 23:34:32 UTC, Manu wrote:
> struct S
> {
> int front();
> ...
> }
> void takesRef(ref int);
> {
> S s;
> takesRef(s.front()); // <- fine, temporary is created and
> passed by ref
> foreach(ref i; s) // <- error: no temporary is created; we
> have
> decided to emit an error where an rval is given to a loop
> counter
> { ... }
> }
> This is the special case I'm talking about.
Nope, does not pass: `Error: function onlineapp.takesRef(ref int
integer) is not callable using argument types (int)`
>> > Okay, here's some experiment cases:
>> >
>> > int x = 1;
>> > static foreach (i; AliasSeq!(10, x, 20))
>> > pragma(msg, __traits(isRef, i));
>> >
>> >> false false false
> Iterating a tuple is a compile-time expansion, which is
> distinct from
> a runtime expansion.
> The result is `false false false` either way, but static and
> non-static are very different operations.
> `foreach` will iterate an array of int's, `static foreach` will
> expand the tuple and `i` will be an alias of each element.
No. `foreach` over an alias sequence will be unrolled at compile
time, and behave like a `static foreach` does with CTFEd arrays.
That was the way we did what `static foreach` does now, remember?
But I have to confess I'm not sure what `static foreach` does
over an alias sequence. I ran a few tests, and some compiled
despite my expectations, but didn't get a clear picture what it
does. I think I need to read `static foreach` DIP again.
>> Same answer for the rest of examples with tuples.
> No, static and non-static foreach are completely different
> semantically.
> My examples may show the same outputs either way, but it's easy
> to
> make cases which show the distinction between static and
> non-static.
See above.
>> Yes, these are the cases I meant with `static foreach`. I
>> think `[10, 20, 30]` is a rvalue, and if the latter of these
>> two examples compiles, it should not.
> Actually, because of D's 'weird shit' law, the array is not an
> rvalue.
> (I think...?)
It is. I tested that: `Error: constant value 10 cannot be ref`
>> > As above, we could allow this by creating temporaries the
>> > same as function arguments... but we've decided not to allow
>> > ref iterators from rvalues.
>> >
>> > static foreach (auto ref i; [10, 20, 30])
>> > pragma(msg, __traits(isRef, i));
>> >
>> >> false false false ??
>> Yes, exactly what's supposed to happen.
> Right... what's your point?
> Incidentally, I'm not sure this will hold; because array
> literals are
> not rvalues, so I think it might be `true true true` here...
Because the loop won't work with `ref`, it falls back to
iteration-by-copy. But you're right that if the literals were not
rvalues, that would result in `true true true`.
>> > I guess the whole array is an rvalue, so then the loop
>> > counter would take copies of the elements?
>> >
>> > It gets interesting when you do this:
>> >
>> > int[3] x = [10, 20, 30];
>> > static foreach (ref i; x)
>> > pragma(msg, __traits(isRef, i));
>> >
>> >> true true true
> Why not? It's an alias... it should compile just fine.
x is a runtime static array. Tested that also: `Error: variable x
cannot be read at compile time`
>> >
>> > And:
>> >
>> > int[3] x = [10, 20, 30];
>> > static foreach (auto ref i; x)
>> > pragma(msg, __traits(isRef, i));
> `x` is not an enum, it's a local.
> The cases I propose to consider are exactly what I wrote, not
> some other thing.
You are right it is not an enum, like I also just said. But
that's exactly the reason why it cannot compile, `ref` (or `auto
ref`) or no. `static foreach` requires the values of the loop
aggregate to be available at compile time, not just it's length.
I might well support an argument that this shouldn't be the case,
but as it is, my DIP should not need to discuss that case.
> For instance:
> int fun(ref int x)
> {
> static foreach (i; AliasSeq!(10, x, 30)) // <- outputs
> `false true false`
> pragma(msg, __traits(isRef, i));
> foreach (i; AliasSeq!(10, x, 30)) // <- outputs `false false
> false` (!!!)
> pragma(msg, __traits(isRef, i));
> }
> [snip]
> I actually think this form of runtime foreach should be
> deprecated, if
> you want to do this with runtime foreach, wrap the tuple in `[
> ]`.
An interesting idea for another potential DIP.
> I'm not strictly talking about what does actually compile, I'm
> talking about what makes semantic sense, and would be uniform
> semantically with no bizarre cases. Some cases might not work,
> but should.
Perhaps, in some cases. But again, it's outside the scope of this
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