Building C++ modules

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at
Thu Aug 15 19:30:44 UTC 2019

On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 06:53:53PM +0000, Exil via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On Thursday, 15 August 2019 at 15:00:43 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
> > On Thursday, 15 August 2019 at 00:45:06 UTC, matheus wrote:
> > > I can't see a great difference between 1 sec vs 100 ms "while
> > > working".
> > 
> > I can. It makes me want to punch the wall.
> The difference is noticable but really not to that point. What do you
> do when you have to wait 30 mins? I guess some people are just less
> trigger happy and patient than others.

Keep in mind, you're talking to a long-time D user who has gotten used
to lightning-fast compile speeds.

In the old days, when I was still using C/C++ by choice, compilation
breaks were an accepted norm. It's just the thing that you do after X
minutes of coding, and it's known that it's a slow process.  You just
take a coffee break, a washroom break, browse the internet, or whatever,
and then resume working when the build is done.  It's just the way
things were.  Working continuously was unimaginable, and you never
missed it because you never experienced such a thing before.

Now that I'm used to D compilation speeds, I find anything longer than
3-5 seconds totally intolerable.  With a <1-2 second turnaround time, I
find myself in a completely different mode of thought -- I can try out
experimental bits of code and get almost instant feedback on the effect
it has on the program.  Within a short 5-minute span I can have already
tested out 20-25 different implementation ideas and zeroed in on the
best one.  Your train of thought can actually proceed uninterrupted, and
your coding process gets elevated to a new level of intense focus and
productivity.  Whereas back in the day of C/C++ slow compiles, such a
process would have taken hours, if not days, and development speed would
be tortoise-slow.

Once you've tasted this level of coding focus and productivity, going
back to the old way is simply unpalatable.  You find yourself losing
your train of thought, distracted by other things during compilation and
need to spend (i.e., waste) some time to refocus afterwards to get back
in the groove.  Productivity is abysmal, relatively speaking.  Too much
time wasted redirecting your attention from various distractions back to
the problem at hand.  Like having to constantly switch your hand from
the keyboard to the mouse instead of a keyboard-driven UI where your
fingers are right there and ready to go, having a slow compile just
pulls you back an order of magnitude in productivity. (I used to use a
mouse-driven GUI for decades -- now I use a 99.99% keyboard-only
interface with no distracting frills, and I can tell you productivity
has skyrocketed to a whole 'nother level never before imaginable.)

> > No, it's not that. It's that it interrupts my train of thought. I
> > can work faster if I get faster feedback.
> Wouldn't compiler errors do the same.thing, if not worse? Not only do
> they interrupt your train of thought they require you to think about
> something else entirely. What do you do when you get a compiler error?

Compile errors that appear instantly means you're still focused and can
immediately get on the task of identifying the problem code.  Compile
errors that appear after X seconds means you spend an additional Y
seconds refocusing your brain on the programming problem at hand, and
*then* get on the task of identifying the problem code, thus slowing you
down by (X+Y+Z) seconds rather than just spending the Z seconds finding
the problem.

> > > Now imagine waiting ~40 seconds just to open any solution on
> > > Visual Studio (Mostly used for projects where I work), on a NOT so
> > > old machine, and like 4 ~ 10 seconds every time you run an app
> > > while debugging.
> > > 
> > > That's is the meaning of pain.

And that is why I don't bother with IDEs, or anything, really, that has
needless eye-candy and frills I don't use. Give me vim over an SSH
remote connection, and I can be 100% productive anywhere.  A GUI that
requires umpteen GBs of RAM and 40s to start?  Not even on my radar.

> > I can take waiting 40s once a day. I can't take waiting >1s every
> > time I build though.
> Feel like you don't have to wait. You can continue to do other things
> while it is compiling. I suppose some people aren't as good at multi
> tasking.

It's not an issue of multitasking.  It's an issue of wasting time
because you have to keep switching mental gears.  Context-switching is
not free, even in the human brain. :-D  (I'd even say *especially* in
the human brain -- CPU context switches are basically undetectable as
far as human perception is concerned, but switching mental gears
definitely takes a much more significant amount of time.)


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