Another serialization topic, reduced scope

Basile B. b2.temp at
Sun Dec 8 23:41:20 UTC 2019

On Saturday, 7 December 2019 at 18:53:51 UTC, Jesse Phillips 
> I was watching Steven's 2019 talk. I'd like to put together a 
> DIP to specify a collection of attributes which target this 
> very common pattern of marking up structure. We see it in c# 
> and Java at runtime, and we see it with different D libraries.
> Adding and replacing serialization to the standard library has 
> had its delays due to expectations of how serialization should 
> be designed.

Then your DIP will not address the problem. As far as I can see 
it proposes conventions about the attributes to use on fields 
that have to be read from and written to. Is the lack of 
attributes really the reason why there's no std.serializer ?

A few remarks however. You want to collect the different 
attributes while it would be possible to use a single 
attribute... a class. This would allow to store functions 
pointers, tables or I don't know what else could be useful for a 
finely grained control of the serialization.

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