DIP 1027---String Interpolation---Community Review Round 1
tim.dlang at t-online.de
Sat Dec 14 10:39:07 UTC 2019
On Wednesday, 11 December 2019 at 09:52:21 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> This is the feedback thread for the first round of Community
> Review for DIP 1027, "String Interpolation":
> https://github.com/dlang/DIPs/blob/148001a963f5d6e090bb6beef5caf9854372d0bc/DIPs/DIP1027.md
If a special type is used for the format string after lowering,
it can work with printf and other functions can use the format
string at compile time:
struct __Interpolate
immutable char *fmt;
alias fmt this;
struct __InterpolateT(string fmt_)
enum fmt = fmt_;
enum __Interpolate interpolate = __Interpolate(fmt_);
alias interpolate this;
void main()
// printf can be used, because __InterpolateT converts to
import core.stdc.stdio;
printf(__InterpolateT!"test printf %d\n"(), 123);
// Functions can detect an interpolated string using an
void writef(T...)(__Interpolate fmt, T params)
printf(fmt.fmt, params);
writef(__InterpolateT!"test writef %d\n"(), 123);
// Functions can interpret the format string at compile time:
void writefct(string fmt, T...)(__InterpolateT!fmt
interpolate, T params)
pragma(msg, "format string at compile time ", fmt);
printf(fmt, params);
writefct(__InterpolateT!"test writefct %d\n"(), 123);
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