[OT] Mathematical reasoning vs ad hominem and personal attacks

Jab jab_293 at gmall.com
Tue Dec 17 15:44:56 UTC 2019

On Tuesday, 17 December 2019 at 15:08:31 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
> On 17.12.19 15:02, Patrick Schluter wrote:
>>>> You are wrong.
>>> Please no ad hominem attacks!
>> That's not an ad hominem. That's just a statement of opinion. 
>> It would be ad hominem if something about you was the 
>> justification of the wrongness. You're wrong because your name 
>> is too long or because you have a big nose etc.
> Although some people do count disagreeing with mathematically 
> wrong statements as a personal attack:

Just quoting "I think" with a reply "you are wrong" isn't any 
better way to run a community. It's not so much that you are 
disagreeing with it, so much as you don't know how to convey that 
you are disagreeing with it like a human being.

> https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/9422#issuecomment-343550192

So you had to pull an example from close to 3 years ago?

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