The issue with D...

Andre Pany andre at
Tue Feb 5 06:01:43 UTC 2019

On Monday, 4 February 2019 at 23:28:51 UTC, Ben wrote:
>> [...]
> 1. Does not work:
>> [...]
> 2. And "dub --arch=x86_mscoff" this is expected to be know to 
> new users?
> [...]

There are several points addressed in you post.

1) Please provide a reproducible example for Program exited with 
code -1073741515

2) My expectation is, x86_mscoff will become the default for 32 
Bit dmd, while
x86_64 will become the default for 64 bit dmd. Hopefully this 
The hard work of some fantastic people made this possible.

3) Setting default architecture in dub settings file should work 
and can be overwritten
with command line arg --arch. If it is not working please provide 

4) vibe-d example is working fine on my windows computer. The 
shebang line
is just ignored. But you are right, it should be removed. If it 
is not working
please provide details.

5) The warning for mongodb is already fixed 

Kind regards

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