DIP 1019--Named Arguments Lite--Community Review Round 1

Jacob Shtokolov jacob.100205 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 17:06:18 UTC 2019

On Friday, 15 February 2019 at 12:56:45 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> This is the feedback thread for the first round of Community 
> Review for DIP 1019, "Named Arguments Lite":

I think the "Completeness" section contains some arguable points. 
The proposed solution doesn't take into account the cases where 
you need to partially skip default arguments.

Say, we have a function:

```void drawCircle(int x, int y, int radius, Border border = 
Border.Solid, Bg bg = Bg.Transparent)```

Then we want to call this function with default parameters except 
the background (bg).

The best way to do that would be:
```drawCircle(10, 10, 5, bg: Bg.Red);```

So you see that we omitted the "border" parameter.

However, the proposed solution forces us to do that:
```drawCircle(x: 10, y: 10, radius: 5, bg: Bg.Red);```

A lot more unnecessary typing.

Python, for example, allows us to mix both named and unnamed 
arguments, and thus effectively skip the default ones.

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