Few concept for dconf 2019 logos

Abdulhaq alynch4047 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 24 17:41:15 UTC 2019

On Sunday, 24 February 2019 at 13:00:11 UTC, Suliman wrote:
> Hello!
> I asked my friend Svetlana Kopilova (designer from Russian 
> Space System) to create few logos for dconf 2019 in London. If 
> you will like them you will free to use it. If no, I will ask 
> her about new ideas.
> https://hsto.org/webt/pq/b2/ot/pqb2othmt-zg2voxgepwtfapiac.png
> https://github.com/bubnenkoff/dlang.ru/blob/bubnenkoff-temp/dconf_logos.zip

Yes I like #2 and #3 too. As an Englishman who lived in London 
for 17 years I think London will make a really great city for the 
conference, but I feel a bit sad that people associate London and 
the UK with the royal family who have a number of buffoons 
amongst them and do not represent the UK or Londoners at all :-( 
Sorry to fans of the royals.

What I personally love about London is its tremendous history and 
the buildings that go with it, combined with the people from all 
over the world with their diverse languages, clothes, 
complexions, and restaurants of so many diverse cuisines. It is a 
creative powerhouse and full of energy and dynamism.

Still, I left it, but that's another story ;-)

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