The DIP Process
Olivier FAURE
couteaubleu at
Thu Feb 28 23:15:30 UTC 2019
On Thursday, 28 February 2019 at 03:06:37 UTC, Nicholas Wilson
> A DIP is only as good as the feedback it receives.
You're saying this like it's self-evident, but it seems very
clear to me that it's the very root of your disagreement with
Andrei: you believe that the process should involve the reviewers
making an effort proportional to the DIP author, whereas Andrei
believes that the process should minimize reviewer effort.
Now, neither of these ideas are inherently invalid, but you have
to realize they're a trade-off. You're not going to convince
Andrei to change the DIP process by saying "The current process
wastes the time of DIP authors!", because Andrei is already aware
of that. The problem is that is that a process with a heavier
involvement from W&A would waste/spend more of *their* time,
which Andrei considers a bad trade-off.
(personally, I can see where he's coming from; there are a lot of
people writing DIPs, and only two W&A; any process which requires
more involvement from them is going going to see them spending
less time on maintaining the compiler, designing features, and
whatever else it is they're doing)
(that said, the current process could definitely stand to be
improved, and I like the direction Mike is going for)
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