DIP 1017--Add Bottom Type--Final Review
jared771 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 18:26:55 UTC 2019
On Tuesday, 15 January 2019 at 10:59:40 UTC, Johan Engelen wrote:
> On Tuesday, 15 January 2019 at 08:59:07 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
>> DIP 1017, "Add Bottom Type", is now ready for Final Review.
> I know we are no longer supposed to discuss the proposal's
> merits, but...
> The proposal does not describe its merits. The only merit
> listed is being able to specify that a function does not
> return. The obvious choice is adding a function attribute for
> that, yet the proposal introduces a new magic type with a whole
> set of new problems of its own and only has a few lines of text
> on why an attribute would not cut it.
With all due respect to all involved in this conversation, this
DIP should be almost entirely non-controversial, but it is not,
because most people posting on this mailing list have a more
practical programming background, rather than a theoretical one.
When I say that, I am not excluding myself, so please don't
interpret it as an insult.
Let's look at Rust: they have introduced a bottom type, denoted
as !, and to my knowledge it was almost entirely without
controversy, because that community has a much stronger
theoretical focus than D. I know that D is not Rust, but in this
instance I feel that we could learn a thing or two rather than
grafting on some @noreturn hack (and it *is* a hack that just
poorly emulates a bottom type).
The bottom type is well-understood and has already had all the
kinks worked out by academia. It is more a less a free lunch,
because somebody else has already done the heavy intellectual
lifting for us.
> No rationale is given for:
> 1 - implicit conversion of Tbottom to other types
> 2 - being able to use a noreturn function in expressions `a ||
> b`, `a && b`, `a ? b : c`
There are good reasons for why _|_ behaves this way; in type
theory, it is the subtype of all other types and thus can
implicitly convert to them with no type soundness issues.
However, I agree that we do not necessarily _need_ this
functionality, thought it would be annoying to only implement a
half-working bottom type. It would also reflect badly on D IMO.
> 3 - why a new _type_ is needed for describing a property of a
> function (that's what attributes are for)
> 4 - D already has a bottom type: `void`, why is a new type
> needed?
`void` is a unit type, and is not the same as a bottom type. It
does not denote that a function does not return a value; it
denotes that the function can only return exactly _one_ value.
The fact that most C family languages do not implement unit types
correctly is probably why this misconception comes about (I had
the same misconception for a long time).
> "A function that returns a Tbottom is covariant with a function
<snip, no comment here>
> The proposal mentions the C std function `exit()`. With this
<snip, already answered in this thread>
> In the discussion of the alternative `@noreturn`, it is claimed
> that "This has the awkward result of a function specifying it
> has a return type `T`, but never returns that type." Such
> functions would simply return `void`, which I don't find
> awkward at all: `void` is a bottom type after all.
This is incorrect, as has been mentioned elsewhere in this
thread. It's the difference between 0 and 1; the bottom type has
0 values, while unit types have exactly 1 value.
> Then it is mentioned that with `@noreturn` "Other potential
> uses of a bottom type will not be expressible", but there is no
> rationale or full description of those other uses. How is the
> 'bottomness' of `Tbottom` different from `void`?
As stated above, Tbottom is the subtype of all types, while void
is not. It's like asking how the number 0 is different from the
number 1.
> I would have imagined this proposal to be completely different:
> describe why having a new bottom type is useful, and then in a
> small extra paragraph mentioning that this new bottom type can
> also be used to describe nonreturning functions.
To me, that doesn't make any sense, as the bottom type is THE
canonical way to express that a function will not return. It is a
type with 0 values, thus, intuitively, there is no possible way a
function with a return type of Tbottom could ever possibly
return. Thus, it must throw an exception, loop forever, or abort
the program.
> A big addition like this needs a big justification with a
> solution to a major shortcoming. Not being able to specify a
> function never returning is just a very minor shortcoming.
I recommend reading up on what the bottom type is, and why it is
useful in the context of a language's type system. Not only does
it enable certain optimizations, it also has many other useful
properties that we can take advantage of.
Stack Overflow can explain it better than me:
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