Bottom Type--Type Theory
Olivier FAURE
couteaubleu at
Thu Jan 17 12:02:36 UTC 2019
On Thursday, 17 January 2019 at 00:09:50 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> So you see, `void` is a rats' nest of special cases and ad hoc
> monkey-patched semantics that's inconsistent with itself.
> Sometimes it behaves like a unit type, sometimes it behaves
> like a bottom type, and sometimes it behaves like a top type,
> and none of these usages are consistent with each other, nor
> are they truly consistent with themselves either. It's like
> working with a number system that has no concept of zero,
> negative numbers, or infinity, and then patching in a new
> number (let's call it X) that sometimes behaves like zero,
> sometimes like a negative number, and sometimes like infinity.
> Good luck doing calculations involving X.
Noob question, but wouldn't a top type also be a unit type?
I'm visualizing a top type as the type of an aggregate with zero
member, which makes it a supertype of any other aggregate
(whereas a bottom type would be the type of an aggregate with
infinite members); wouldn't that type then have only one single
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