DIP 1017--Add Bottom Type--Final Review
Jonathan Marler
johnnymarler at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 00:54:52 UTC 2019
On Thursday, 17 January 2019 at 22:33:35 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 09:43:52PM +0000, Jonathan Marler via
> Digitalmars-d wrote:
>> On Thursday, 17 January 2019 at 20:15:20 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
>> > On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 06:51:13PM +0000, Jonathan Marler
>> > via Digitalmars-d wrote: [...]
>> > > To summarize, the bottom type allows you to declare a
>> > > special pointer with no storage!
>> > >
>> > > TBottom*.sizeof == 0
>> > >
>> > > This is also something that should be in the DIP and
>> > > Walter should chime in with whether or not he thinks these
>> > > semantics can actually be implemented.
>> >
>> > This would introduce an asymmetry with the rest of the
>> > pointer types in the language which all have equal sizes,
>> > and this asymmetry will percolate down to other language
>> > constructs, causing special cases and inconsistencies
>> > everywhere. I don't recommend doing this.
>> Yes that's kind of the point :) It's a new pointer type that
>> has a unique size from all other pointer types. This means
>> you can no-longer assume all pointers types are the same size,
>> you have a special case where it's size can be zero. This
>> might warrant some code changes to handle this case, but does
>> enable some new semantics which can be useful for library
>> writers. Case in point was you can now have a template
>> parameter T* that the user can instantiate in such a way as to
>> eliminate the pointer alltogether.
> No, that's backwards. (1) Introducing asymmetry, i.e., special
> cases, is bad, because inevitably people will forget to check
> for it, leading to endless bugs. It will also percolate all
> over the language, creating exceptions and new corner cases,
> which are what we're trying to *reduce* here.
This is definitely not true in all cases, therefore, is itself
not a valid argument.
(2) Eliminating a
> field is achieved by passing in a Unit type, not a Bottom type.
> E.g., if you have a struct template:
> struct S(T, U) {
> T t;
> U u;
> }
> then you could instantiate a single-field struct by doing:
> S!(Unit, int) s;
> // Equivalent to: struct { int u; }
> or:
> S!(string, Unit) t;
> // Equivalent to: struct { string t; }
> Instantiating it with Bottom means forcing a compile error (or
> runtime
> abort).
Checkout this comment:
>> > A better approach might be to make TBottom* always equal to
>> > null -- i.e., it's always illegal to dereference it because
>> > no instances of TBottom can exist.
>> >
>> That's conceptually the same thing. Saying that TBottom* is
>> "always equal to null" is the same as saying it's a Unit Type,
>> which is the same as saying that it contains no information so
>> the storage needed is 0 (same as void).
> I'm not so sure about that. A true Unit type conveys no
> information, yet TBottom* conveys at least this information:
> that it's a pointer, and that the pointer cannot be
> dereferenced. A true Unit type would be the return type of a
> void function; would you equate TBottom* with the return type
> of a void function? That would be very strange indeed.
> T
You're mixing up what you know about programming languages like
C/C++ and D with type theory. TBottom* by definition is a unit
type. It is a pointer to nothing, which can only ever have one
value. It may not "seem" like a unit type, but when you spend
enough time in set theory and logic you'll find most things are
not what they seem.
Note that there are multiple ways to express and define a unit
type. I suggest you read up on the definitions of these types and
try to understand them a bit more, it becomes much clearer once
you do.
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