Thick bingings and Deimos

Vladimir Panteleev thecybershadow.lists at
Thu Jan 24 12:01:58 UTC 2019

On Thursday, 24 January 2019 at 10:54:53 UTC, JN wrote:
> The idea behind Deimos was to provide 1:1 (as much as possible) 
> bindings to the C code, without any OO wrappers involved. 
> However, Deimos was created before Dub and packages were really 
> a thing. Nowadays, just publish a package to Dub package 
> repository with your bindings. Just be clear in the description 
> that it offers a wrapper over the original C library and it 
> should be fine.

Placing bindings in Deimos and publishing them on Dub are 

There are benefits to placing bindings in one place beyond the 
benefits provided by a Dub package:

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