talks from IRC
black80 at
Sun Jul 7 14:25:27 UTC 2019
<ManTwo/2> Hi - I'm an interested layperson occasionally
procrastinating by reading discussions on the D forums.
<ManOne/1> fun
<ManTwo/2> To me the discussions frequently seem hostile
<ManTwo/2> Is that common in communities like this?
<ManTwo/2> I'm not skilled enough to contribute - and maybe if I
had more substance, I wouldn't be bothered by style... but I
nevertheless if the 'mood' of the community is turning off any
potential more useful contributors than myself
<ManOne/1> there are a lot of silly threads, i tend to just kinda
ignore them
<ManOne/1> but yeah i do think a lot of contributors are turned
away by a few things like the threads
<ManTwo/2> "Never offend people with style when you can offend
them with substance"
<ManTwo/2> Would setting a better 'mood' for the discussion be
beneficial to the community? If yes, how might we go about
achieving it?
<ManOne/1> i don't know.
<ManFour/4> Quinn: They come here looking for the magic,
hoping to find romance, when they can't find it anywhere else.
<ManFour/4> Robin: Maybe they will.
<ManFour/4> Quinn: It's an island, babe. If you didn't bring
it here, you won't find it here.
<ManTwo/2> Maybe I should ask a different question - what is the
lowest hanging fruit in encouraging more skilled contributors to
work on D? What is turning people off?
<ManFour/4> did Alexandrescu hire a psychologist to figure this
out? :)
<ManOne/1> I personally don't like the resistance to change
combined with a bit of perfectionism on PRs. I think if they
would accept things more easily it would encourge more to try
<ManOne/1> but on the other hand their worry is then we accept
low quality junk and D starts to suck
<ManTwo/2> Before your second message I was going to object with
that exact worry -- is it possible to accept more things while
keeping quality high? Perhaps it is.
<ManOne/1> what i personally try to do is accept anything that is
on the right track and then i'll fix it up myself instead of
bugging them to do all the nitpicking stuff
<ManOne/1> but idk if that woudl work for everyone else
<ManTwo/2> Right - I think I have had that experience several
times now that my (noob) contribution was accepted and fixed by
the maintainer. It feels very welcoming and encouraging.
<ManTwo/2> But doesn't that lead you to spend a lot of your time
working on problems that volunteers found important and
interesting rather than the highest priority things?
<ManOne/1> the idea is similar to that of a loss leader in
business... you lose money on one thign with the hopes of luring
customers into your store where they'll buy other stuff while
they're already there
<ManOne/1> so i spend time now fixing your PR for you, then in
the long run, hopefully, a few of those contributors stick around
and start doing more serious work
<ManOne/1> or i guess same idea as slightly risky investment
<ManTwo/2> Does it make sense to have 'growing the community' an
explicit goal of a programming language project, together with
encouraging strategies like the one you just described?
<ManFour/4> we should not accept, but only vote for some things
about which we can discuss. clear vote with final pros and cons.
right now savvy is drowning in a pile of water in a thread and a
decision is made by 1-2 people based on some of their thoughts
<ManTwo/2> ManFour/4: is that not just Benevolent Dictator For
Life? That model seems to work for a lot of projects
<ManTwo/2> I remember reading a post by Alexandrescu on how he
has tried to mentor new contributors but eventually realized that
most people do not want to be mentored and it was draining for him
<ManOne/1> well not "mentored" in teh way andrei tried to do it
<ManOne/1> like i said before he is a bit of a perfectionist and
that doesn't help new people who need some encouragement
<ManTwo/2> Is it possible to let perfectionism go while keeping
quality high? Is, for example, the Linux perfectionist? Is Golang?
<ManOne/1> i think it is possible
<ManTwo/2> How do you do it?
<ManOne/1> idk really
<ManOne/1> i'm not a manager....
<ManFour/4> I suspect that almost no one pays attention to PRs
for the spec, meaning that the number of reviewers is even lower
than it is for other repos, and we already have a problem with
too few people reviewing stuff in general. I really should figure
out how to find more time to spend on stuff like this.
<ManFour/4> - Jonathan M Davis
<ManFour/4> imo its not only for spec but most things
<ManTwo/2> Is knowing about stuff like this what managers are
good for? :P Maybe I can finally see a use for them then.
<ManOne/1> good managers can motivate people
<ManTwo/2> "Much of what looks like rudeness in hacker circles is
not intended to give offense. Rather, it's the product of the
direct, cut-through-the-bullshit communications style that is
natural to people who are more concerned about solving problems
than making others feel warm and fuzzy."
<ManTwo/2> From:
<ManTwo/2> I vaguely feel like I'm pushing for more warm and
fuzzies directly contrary to hacker culture, meritocracy,
competence and quality above all etc
<ManTwo/2> Don't we come to open source to get away from
managers? :P
<ManTwo/2> But on the other hand I also vaguely feel like this
community is more hostile than other open source communities.
<ManFour/4> about quotes.. "To me the discussions frequently seem
hostile".. so its ok, we dont need pink party here
<ManTwo/2> My intuition says that there's something here that I
don't fully understand, but which is related to why some
communities function better than others.
<ManTwo/2> Can you have a meritocracy, high quality, that is also
welcoming and multiplies the number of contributors
<ManOne/1> hacker culture isn't necessarily good
<ManTwo/2> but some parts are good
<ManOne/1> yeah
<ManTwo/2> I'm worried about "Chesterton's fence"
<ManTwo/2> Until I understand what parts are critical and which
are unhelpful, I'm worried about throwing any of it out
<ManTwo/2> You can't reduce "perfectionism" until you understand
how to keep quality high without it
<ManOne/1> omg d rox so much i am writing a form using my new web
framework and like it is just so elegant in so many ways
<ManTwo/2> Link?
<ManOne/1> it is proprietary at this time
<ManOne/1> but like i just wrote this function int
createEvent(string name, string description, EventCreation[int]
groups) and the way the params went from web to it is cool
<ManFour/4> imo Walter is a conservative. in fact, he does not
want changes in the language because he is afraid of breaking the
code already written by many. the further the more his resistance
to innovation will be. we need an alternative branch D-3-4, in
which everything new can be driven around. it may be incompatible
with the previous one, but such evolution will allow to progress
for many years to come
<ManFour/4> each branch will be supports (lets say) 3 years..
then it deprecates like python2 vs 3
<ManTwo/2> Would D survive a python2 v python3? That was not an
easy transition
<ManFour/4> and I didnt see D compiler sources but think that it
overcomplicated.. compiler is "simple": AST, selection right
func, alloc/dealloc objs, actions for copy/move objs, some kind
of IR, optimizations that can be done by LLVM.. probably that is
all.. so if Walter allow to immixture in every such parts and
describe how and what.. probably compiler will run to future with
big steps.. (to bright or to disaster is other question)
<ManOne/1> time for me to go ttyl
<ManTwo/2> Thanks ManOne/1 for your thoughts!
<ManThree/3> cya ManOne/1
<ManFour/4> and yes, i think that need some simple visible poll
for what to do, final pro and cons for each question, what's
happening now, who is mentor and responsible for such part..
something like scrum board maybe
<ManThree/3> ManFour/4 as far as compilers go DMD is pretty simple
<ManThree/3> as far as programs in general go dmd could be simpler
<ManFour/4> discussion on forums.. discussion on prs (that i
never read yet).. need thumb ups (more ones - more adequate/good
answer/proposition).. u just cannot read 300 messages without
some points
<ManThree/3> the discussions are not for everyone though
<ManThree/3> it's a rather small circle who actually reads and
understands them
<ManFour/4> yes from 100 people on forum talks only probably
ten.. and people that making decision only 1-3.. nobody wants
talks by some reason, but all can vote with viewing some pro and
<ManThree/3> I see that's why you'd like a more structured
approach it's understandable
<ManFour/4> need some like/dislike system.. its shows that this
point worth attention and other not.. reading all big thread.. at
the end u forgot who is killer and who is detective
<ManFour/4> and scrum board can show who is this man and what is
do.. for now I know Andrei and Walter is core, CyberShadow
probably admin, kinke probably from LDC, 2 book authors by name,
and one beardman Jonathan Davis, who sometimes talks smart things
<ManFour/4> something like this :) who and what his do, who need
some help, to whom I can help.. darkness
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