D1 operator overloads have been deprecated.
Timon Gehr
timon.gehr at gmx.ch
Thu Jul 11 19:07:28 UTC 2019
On 11.07.19 19:58, uranuz wrote:
> In change log of nightly builds I see that:
> `D1 operator overloads have been deprecated`
> The major concern about it is that D2 style operators are template
> functions. And template functions cannot be virtual. Does it mean that
> we shall not be able to decalare operators in classes and interfaces
> that could be overloaded in terms of OOP. What is the proposed solution
> to this problemme?
> Currently the only way I see is to declare `final` opOpAssign(RHS,
> string op)(RHS rhs) (for instance). And then dispatch them to `regular`
> virtual functions. But it shall look the same as these operator that we
> are trying to deprecate, but with extra `wrapper`.
import std.stdio;
class C{
int x;
this(int x){ this.x=x; }
C opAddImpl(C rhs){
return new C(x+rhs.x);
alias opBinary(string op:"+")=opAddImpl;
void main(){
auto a=new C(1),b=new C(2);
You can probably even write a mixin template that automatically upgrades
your class from D1 style operators to D2 style.
> What is the profit of deprecating these D1?
> ...
When designing a language from scratch, probably you wouldn't add two
ways to declare operators, especially if one of them subsumes the other.
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