DIP 1021--Argument Ownership and Function Calls--Community Review Round 1

Olivier FAURE couteaubleu at gmail.com
Thu Jul 18 11:31:50 UTC 2019

On Thursday, 18 July 2019 at 11:18:29 UTC, Nick Treleaven wrote:
> The prior work section does not point to top-level 
> rust-lang.org as you seem to suggest, but to this specific link:
> https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.8.0/book/references-and-borrowing.html#the-rules

Saying "an entire language" was hyperbolic and maybe a little 
unfair, but I maintain that this is way too broad.

Rust as it exists today is a vast language designed almost from 
the ground up to accommodate the borrowing model. It relies on 
several features that do not (and may never) exist in D, so 
saying "we're going to use a memory model like the one Rust has" 
is extremely vague, and doesn't explain how various corner cases 
will be handled.

This is especially true for this DIP, which explicitly doesn't 
include function-wide data flow analysis like Rust does.

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