There's a problem in the D economic system

Chris wendlec at
Wed Jul 24 10:34:57 UTC 2019

On Wednesday, 24 July 2019 at 10:18:07 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

> It means maintaining the status of a 501(c)(3) non-profit 
> public charity and avoiding any penalties or jail time for the 
> person handling the money.
> In the modern world, attempting to shuffle around large amounts 
> of cash outside of a legal entiry like a non-profit or a 
> corporation is just a recipe for trouble. In my own case, as a 
> permanent resident in Korea I can do almost anything a Korean 
> can do, but not when it comes to international finances. I 
> can't attach may Korean bank account to my PayPal account and 
> I'm severely limited in how much money can be sent to me in a 
> single transaction and annually from a single source unless I 
> set up a business of some sort. Some people in some countries 
> don't have certain transfer services available to them or (like 
> me) are limited in how they can use them.
> It would be hell trying to raise money from and pay money to 
> people around the world without the D Foundation.

And knowing all this, it never occurred to anyone to set up a 
sound and transparent payment system? It wasn't until a company 
approached you that you figured out that it might be a good idea?

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