DMD or LDC on mobile

Newbie2019 newbie2019 at
Thu Jul 25 13:49:39 UTC 2019

On Thursday, 25 July 2019 at 13:21:01 UTC, Ethan wrote:
> tl;dr - I'm after a status report, and this thing pops up on 
> forums often enough that I want the information in one place.
> Aight guys. So here's the deal. That program I showed off at 
> DConf this year? I have a potential customer interested in 
> beginning usage in August.
> They develop for mobile platforms. This means I'll need mobile 
> support.
> D is uniquely situated for my needs on all platforms going 
> forward (you know, once the garbage collector is something we 
> can talk about in terms of pride and not like the misbehaving 
> child that won't grow up). That, of course, means it needs to 
> compile and run on all platforms. Which realistically means 
> code generation for two architectures these days (x64, ARM) and 
> runtime support for non-desktop platforms (iOS, Android, 
> consoles - although that last one is something almost everyone 
> here can't work on).
> Now, being a middleware, I'll be expecting the engine 
> integration to supply routines like file operations and memory 
> operations. Standard stuff.
> I can probably totally avoid Phobos and avoid linking that 
> behemoth in the runtime.
> So that leaves code gen and druntime being usable.
> I'll need to know before I work on my runtime library if these 
> are usable. Otherwise, I'm going to have to write the runtime 
> in C++ and write more code generation definitions to export the 
> work I've already done to C++.
> Do these two things work currently?

LDC for android is working with most of druntime & phobos.   you 
can install ldc 1.13.0 from termux,  I am also be able to build 
1.16 with some phobos & druntime small bugs.

IOS only have 
0.17.0-alpha1 (2.068.2 FE) LLVM 3.6.2.

If LDC core team can only cherry-pick target/march  for IOS, then 
I think people will be easy to  try the ABI them self.

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