My Little Dustmite: Bisect is Magic

FeepingCreature feepingcreature at
Fri Jul 26 13:02:21 UTC 2019

On Friday, 26 July 2019 at 12:56:07 UTC, Ethan wrote:
> There's an error I was getting the other day that doesn't give
> a line number, just a file.
> Another one starts with "COMPILE".
> Both of those required unrolling code and tinkering to work out 
> what was wedged in their bonnet.
> And of course I have no idea how to reproduce them either 
> because they're deep in mixins in templated functions in 
> templates in mixins.
> I do not write normal code in D. But down in my meta rabbit 
> hole is where all of D's real ultimate power is.

I would like to voice a very enthusiastic recommendation for 
Dustmite for reducing programs to tests. Since it just requires a 
pass/fail test, it's easy to write a shellscript that checks that 
DMD's output matches a specific pattern, such as "COMPILE:.*".

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