Error: C++ base class needs at least one virtual function
gooberman at
Sat Jul 27 19:58:05 UTC 2019
I know how this is going to get in to a discussion about how
virtual destructors are necessary, but in this case it's not and
I know better than the compiler. tl;dr is "How do I make the
compiler behave the way I want it to?"
This is going to be representative of code in my runtime. Every
object I deal with will be a reference, so classes are a logical
choice. They'll be stored in an immutable hashmap using a unique
ID, they have type checking built in to the ID, and my reference
retrieval object will do the type checking and casting.
And the only reason I'm using classes? Because struct inheritance
is still considered a monumentally bad thing despite the solid
use cases. I know the outright hacks around it, my DConf 2016 and
2017 talks went in to detail about it. But really, I don't want
this code to employ such gross hacks for what should be something
Notice I even enforce every method to be final in my derived
class to emphasise that *I do not want nor need virtuals ever in
this code*.
class Base
int uniqueID;
class Derived : Base
@property UniqueID( int val ) { uniqueID= val; return
uniqueID; }
@property UniqueID() const { return uniqueID; }
int main( string[] args )
Base obj = new Base;
obj.Value = 42;
import std.stdio : writeln;
writeln( obj.Value );
return 0;
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