[GSoC] Header Generation for C/C++

Gregor Mückl gregormueckl at gmx.de
Mon Jul 29 00:09:44 UTC 2019

On Thursday, 18 July 2019 at 18:56:28 UTC, Manu wrote:
> A stand-alone app would be unbelievably disappointing. I think 
> I would
> not use this if it were a stand-alone app; it would have failed 
> at its
> entire value proposition for us. We would stick with writing 
> C++ code
> and D as an afterthought because there would be no friction 
> advantage
> this way around.
> The point is to simplify the build environment, not make it a 
> whole lot worse :/

I second this. I've tried to create this C++ header feature a few 
months ago, but had to put it aside for lack of time. But the 
compiler frontend provides a lot of infrastructure that would 
need to be duplicated in any potential external tool that it's 
just going to be easier to have this as part of the compiler 

Besides, getting updated C++ headers for virtually free on each D 
compiler run can eliminate a whole host of potential bugs 
stemming from mismatched definitions because of incorrectly 
scripted build tooling. Multi-language/multi-compiler builds are 
unpleasant enough to automate as it is.

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