My Little Dustmite: Bisect is Magic
gooberman at
Mon Jul 29 15:28:02 UTC 2019
On Sunday, 28 July 2019 at 11:41:20 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
> In D it's very easy for one little typo to invalidate vast
> amounts of code, which leads to massive cascading errors.
I mean, that's true of C++ as well.
> How would you propose changing the compiler such that you got
> the "right" amount of errors, without any spurious ones? IIRC
> the current design "poisons" anything derived from an error to
> minimise error spam.
I've long held the view that DMD's error reporting is not that
great. And after my recent poke at the C++ mangler code and
seeing the state of things...
The move to DDMD means it's time to revist the reasons for why
error reporting was done like that in the first place.
First and foremost, my constant battle for *any* error generated
while processing code must show the file and line it was
processing at the time. I know Walter's view is "you know what
code you were just writing."
But the reality of software development in D (templates and
mixins and metaprogramming, oh my!) and software development in
general (pull a source code database from the internet and
compile it with a newer version of a compiler than it was
generated on) means that the point becomes increasingly
irrelevant as time and complexity increases from when a piece of
code was originally written.
My other battle is error codes. Microsoft's documentation is spot
on there. Your compiler generates an error code. Copy that code
and stick it in to Google. Microsoft results up top,
StackOverflow/etc right beneath it. Now you can go directly to
relevant articles instead of trying to strip all context out of
the message like type names and Google things that way, which is
really inconsistent in the results you can get.
The old argument that error codes increase the execution time of
a compile, or the compilation time of DMD, surely must be
irrelevant now. All this stuff can be handled with D's
metaprogramming capabilities for no runtime cost. Don't make a
table that needs static initialisation, make a table and assign
it to an enum. The error function already works as a printf, so
that's not a problem. You can even reduce the number of error
calls you need to make, since the error code can contain
information on whether it's a fatal error that stops the compiler
or not. Currently that's two calls - one to error() and one to
And with all those error codes centralised, you can also generate
documentation and upload it to Imagine the luxury of
searching documentation instead of disparate forum posts for
information on your error.
So with all this in place. static_assert is currently treated as
a fatal(), right? But I don't want it to. But some people desire
that behavior. So surely we can parameterise static_assert in
some manner to allow this?
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