DIP 1019--Named Arguments Lite--Community Review Round 2
Jonathan Marler
johnnymarler at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 03:10:09 UTC 2019
On Friday, 7 June 2019 at 02:51:16 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
> On 07.06.19 01:36, Jonathan Marler wrote:
>> On Thursday, 6 June 2019 at 23:08:56 UTC, Exil wrote:
>>> On Thursday, 6 June 2019 at 22:35:31 UTC, Jonathan Marler
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Thursday, 6 June 2019 at 20:25:32 UTC, Exil wrote:
>>>>> [...]
>>>> Yes I am making the same argument as for structs/classes.
>>>> Structs and classes can "opt-in" and "opt-out" to exposing
>>>> their fields. Saying that all function parameter names
>>>> should be exposed and coupled to the caller is like saying
>>>> we shouldn't have private fields in structs and classes.
>>> That doesn't make any sense. To make a function parameter
>>> "private" that would mean the user wouldn't be able to pass
>>> in a value to it.
>> That's not the meaning I proposed. I proposed that public
>> exposes the "name" of the function parameter. You're "straw
>> manning" again,
> No, he's just not arguing against the aspect of your idea that
> you think he is. You are the one setting up the straw man.
He said "To make a function parameter 'private' that would mean
the user wouldn't be able to pass in a value to it". My idea had
nothing to do with preventing callers from passing values to
arguments, hence why he is straw manning me.
>>> The only benefit you get from having names be optional is
>>> that library maintainers can screw over their user base if
>>> they want to use the feature or not.
>> Again, the benefit is Encapsulation.
> Well, let's look at the facts:
> - Parameter names are already exposed, and changing parameter
> names can already break third-party code:
> https://dlang.org/phobos/std_traits.html#ParameterIdentifierTuple
> No "encapsulation" for you. (Whatever that's supposed to mean.)
> - It is possible to not name parameters (an alternative way is
> to use *.di files):
> import std.traits;
> int add(int, int){
> return _param_0+_param_1;
> }
> void main(){
> assert(add(1,2)==3);
> }
> I guess that's what you would call "encapsulation".
> I.e., if you want to not expose any parameter names, you have
> the means to do so. Let's call those two ways to declare
> parameters public and private. What named arguments allow you
> to do is to actually refer to the public parameters by name.
> If we had structs with public and private fields, there was no
> field access (e.f) syntax and you could only access public
> fields by index, would you also argue that this is a good
> thing, even if there was already a __trait to get the index of
> a field from its name and vice-versa?
Hmmm that's a good point, I suppose they are already exposed to
the caller. However, I believe private fields in structs/classes
have the same problem. You can still access those fields with
some fancy reflection, but I don't think that means we should get
rid of private fields just because we can still access them
through reflection. Do you?
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