The state of string year later
anonymous at
Sun Mar 17 14:01:36 UTC 2019
On 17.03.19 07:01, Jonathan Marler wrote:
> When I generate HTML documents in my cgi library, instead of:
> writeln(`<html><body>
> <title>`, title, `</title>
> <name>`, name, `</name><age>`, age, `</age>
> <a href="`, link, `">`, linkName, `</a>
> </body></html>
> `);
> or even:
> writefln(`<html><body>
> <title>%s</title>
> <name>%s</name><age>%s</age>
> <a href="%s">%s</a>
> </body></html>
> `, title, name, age, link, linkName);
> It will be:
> writeln(i`<html><body>
> <title>$title</title>
> <name>$name</name><age>$age</age>
> <a href="$link">$linkName</a>
> </body></html>
> `);
Either way, you likely got yourself an HTML injection.
That might be the crux of string interpolation: It looks nice in simple
examples, but is it still nice when you need to encode your variables
for the output?
I think that should be a goal. We don't want to encourage writing bad
code by making it more beautiful than correct code.
Unless I'm missing something (I've only skimmed your PRs), you don't
have mechanisms to aid in this. So your example would look like this
with encoding:
<a href="$(link.toHTML)">$(linkName.toHTML)</a>
That might still be prettier than the alternative with a plain
`writeln`, but the difference is less pronounced.
And with `writefln` we can do something like this:
void writeflnToHTML(S ...)(string f, S stuff)
writefln(f, tupleMap!toHTML(stuff).expand);
<a href="%s">%s</a>
`, title, name, age, link, linkName);
That's still not pretty at all, but we can't forget a `.toHTML` this
way. (Though `tupleMap` isn't in phobos and might be hard to get exactly
Ideally, something like that would be possible with interpolated
strings, too.
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