The state of string year later
where at is.this
Sun Mar 17 14:20:20 UTC 2019
On Sunday, 17 March 2019 at 06:01:35 UTC, Jonathan Marler wrote:
> It's been about a year since I submitted an implementation for
> interpolated strings:
> In that time, various people have been popping up asking about
> it. There has been alot of discussion around this feature on
> the forums and the place we left off was with Andrei saying
> that we should:
> * continue to explore alternative library solutions
> * focus on improving existing features instead of adding new
> features
> At the request of Andrei, I implemented a small library
> solution as well (
> but the leadership never followed up with it. And that's ok,
> they only have so much time and they need to prioritize how
> they feel is best.
> With that, I read through some discussion and thought it could
> be helpful to summarize my thoughts on the matter since people
> continue to ask questions about it.
> In my mind, there's really only one reason for string
> interpolation...
> Better Syntax
> In many ways syntax isn't that important. There's alot of
> subjectivity around it, but sometimes a change can make it
> objectively better. Any time you can make syntax objectively
> better, you're making code easier to read, write and maintain.
> Better syntax means it's easier to write "correct code" and
> harder to write "incorrect code".
> I recall Atila arguing that the syntax without string
> interpolation wasn't that bad. Then he provided this example
> (
> text("a is", a, ", b is ", b, " and the sum is: ", a + b)
> Ironically, his example had a mistake, but it was hard to
> notice. Look at the same example with string interpolation:
> text("a is$a, b is $b and the sum is: $(a + b)")
> You could say that "better syntax" is one of the main reasons D
> exists. It's the main if not the only reason for alot of
> features like UFCS and foreach.
> Andrei's biggest critique is that we should firt try to
> implement this in a library...and he's completely right to ask
> that question. The problem is that over the years, no one's
> been able to achieve a library solution that results in a nice
> syntax. Having a poor syntax is a bad sign for a feature that
> only exists to improve syntax. However, even if we could make
> the syntax better, there are still a handful of reasons why a
> library solution can't measure up to language support.
> Including the "poor syntax", the following are the 5 CONS I see
> with a library solution:
> CON 1. The syntax is "not nice". This defeats the entire point
> of interpolated strings. Saying that interpolated strings
> aren't popular because people are not using a library for them
> is like saying Elvis isn't popular because people don't like
> elvis impersonators. People not liking a poor imitation of
> something doesn't say anything about how they feel about the
> genuine article.
> CON 2. Real error messages. What's one of the most annoying
> parts of mixins? Error messages. When you get an error in a
> mixin, you don't get a line of code to go fix, you get an
> "imaginary" line that doesn't exist. With library solutions,
> you can't point syntax errors inside interpolated strings to
> source locations. That information is not available to the
> language. When you get a string, you don't know where each
> character inside that string originated from, only the compiler
> knows that.
> CON 3. Performance. No matter what we do, any library solution
> will never be as fast as a language solution. The reason why
> performance is especially important here, is because bad
> performance means developers will have to chose between better
> syntax or faster compilation. We already see this today with
> templates and mixins. With a language implementation,
> developers can have both.
> CON 4. IDE/Editor Support. A library solution won't be able to
> have IDE/Editor support for syntax highlighting, auto-complete,
> etc. When the editor sees an interpolated string, it will be
> able to highlight the code inside it just like normal code.
> CON 5. Full solution requires full copy of lexer/parser. One
> big problem with a library solution is that it will be hard for
> a library to delimit interpolated expresions. For full
> support, it will need to have a full implementation of the
> compiler's lexer/parser. Without that, it will have
> limitations on the kind of code that can be inside an
> interpolated string. Take the following (contrived) example:
> foreach (i; 0 .. 10)
> {
> mixin(interp(`$( i ~ ")" ) entry $(array[i])`));
> }
> The library solution needs to parse that interpolated string
> but needs to know that the right paren at `")"` is actually
> just a string literal inside the expression and not a right
> paren to delimit the end of the expression. This is a
> contrived example, but if you have anything less than a full
> lexer/parser then developers are going to have a hard time
> being able to know what can and can't go inside an interpolated
> expression. By having interpolated strings as a part of the
> langugage, the implementation has full access to the
> lexer/parser, so it doesn't need to force any limitation on the
> syntax available inside interpolated string expressions.
> ---
> Now I'm not saying that the CONS of the library solution
> justify the addition of interpolated strings to the language.
> I focused on that because that is Andrei's main sticking point.
> Even if everyone agrees that library solution's don't work
> (and we can't enhance the language to make them work), we still
> need to show that the feature is going to be popular/useful
> enough to justify a new type of string literal. The usefulness
> of the feature needs to outweight the work to support it. The
> more features we add to D, the more developers need to learn to
> understand it. That being said, I consider the implementation
> and complexity it adds to be quite minimal (see the PR for more
> details). As for the usefullness, I can say personally I would
> use this feature to replace almost all my usages of
> writefln/format and writeln which would be a big shift for my
> projects. Instead of:
> writefln("My name is %s and my age is %s and my favorite hex is
> %s", name, age, favnum);
> I will be writing:
> writeln(i"My name is $name and my age is $age and my favorite
> hex $(favnum.formatHex)");
> When I generate code, instead of:
> return
> returnType ~ ` ` ~ name ~ `(` ~ type ~ ` left, ` ~ type
> ~ ` right)
> {
> return cast(` ~ returnType ~ `)(left ` ~ op ~ `
> right);
> }
> `;
> It will be
> return text(iq{
> $returnType $name($type left, $type right)
> {
> return cast($returnType)(left $op right);
> }
> });
> When I generate HTML documents in my cgi library, instead of:
> writeln(`<html><body>
> <title>`, title, `</title>
> <name>`, name, `</name><age>`, age, `</age>
> <a href="`, link, `">`, linkName, `</a>
> </body></html>
> `);
> or even:
> writefln(`<html><body>
> <title>%s</title>
> <name>%s</name><age>%s</age>
> <a href="%s">%s</a>
> </body></html>
> `, title, name, age, link, linkName);
> It will be:
> writeln(i`<html><body>
> <title>$title</title>
> <name>$name</name><age>$age</age>
> <a href="$link">$linkName</a>
> </body></html>
> `);
> When I first saw interpolated strings I didn't immediately
> realize the benefit of them. Using them eliminates the problem
> of keeping format strings in sync with arguments. It also
> avoids the "noise problem" you get when you alternate between
> code and expressions inside a function call, i.e. `writeln("a
> is", a, ", b is ", b)`. That pretty much sums up the benefits
> in my mind.
> So what's next? I'm curious where leadership currently stands.
> What's their thoughts on the library solutions that have been
> presented? What do they think of the 5 CONS I've presented that
> all library solutions will have? What's their opinion on the
> usefullness of the feature? For me personally, I am surprised
> at the amount of interest this feature continues to garner. I
> think the feature is a net positive for D, but then again I
> don't think it's a "make or break" feature. Just a "nice
> addition". Anyway those are my thoughts. Sorry for the long
> post. I hope it's helpful and ultimately makes D better.
Seems you've done everything but write a DIP, I don't really see
why this feature should be exempt from the process. Even if the
process isn't the greatest, that isn't reason enough for it to
circumvent it.
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