[gsoc] Mir project

Nicholas Wilson iamthewilsonator at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 19 11:51:22 UTC 2019

On Tuesday, 19 March 2019 at 11:34:51 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
> Just getting the DIP written and an implementation would be 
> very good. Getting the DIP approved might take longer than 3 
> months though.

I'm not sure why a DIP is needed and I'm not sure why those 
issues are closed resolved fixed, since they don't work, but 
anyway, with the dconf AGM I'm hoping to remove a lot of the 
backlog and streamline the process so that it shouldn't take 
forever. Who knows, might even get in principle pre-approval.

I think implementation is going to be the hard part, then again 
it does sound easy in theory to fix...

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