[GSoC] Trying to find a good topic

sarn sarn at theartofmachinery.com
Thu Mar 21 22:57:25 UTC 2019

On Thursday, 21 March 2019 at 19:50:49 UTC, Dan Printzell wrote:
> Other questions regarding this topic: how separate should it be 
> from druntime?
> Should this be a separate library, like a druntime-lite? or is 
> the goal to allow
> druntime to be used for a bare metal target? Also, should this 
> only be betterC
> or should it support regular D as well?

I'm honestly not sure what the scope of the project is, but one 
option is to make the normal D runtime work with Newlib or some 
other portable libc for embedded systems.  That would create a 
lot of possibilities (even if not all D runtime features are 
supported).  It would also help define the minimal requirements 
for the D runtime, making pure-D bare metal easier.

BTW, PowerNex is a cool project.

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