GCC with D have been finally been released.
H. S. Teoh
hsteoh at quickfur.ath.cx
Wed May 8 16:46:55 UTC 2019
On Tue, May 07, 2019 at 09:13:57PM +0000, Johannes Pfau via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> Am Tue, 07 May 2019 11:13:08 -0700 schrieb H. S. Teoh:
> > I think it's generally accepted that you have to use the same
> > compiler to compile an entire program. I've never heard of it being
> > considered a bug that the output of two different compilers are
> > incompatible. It'd be great if it could somehow still work anyway,
> > but generally I don't think it's expected to.
> Are you talking about D specifically or about any language in general?
> gcc and clang are abi compatible as far as I know and the same should
> be true for clang and msvc.
> It is probably not necessary to be compatible on object file level,
> but at least shared libraries need to be compatible between compilers.
> Otherwise you will force linux distributions to choose only one
> compiler, as nobody wants to have 3 packages for every library (one
> for every compiler).
That's a very good point. If we stick to platform ABI conventions (and
we have to, and do, because that's the only way we could interoperate
with C/C++), then in theory libraries should be compatible at the ABI
level. But there's a grey area where D features may not have a fixed
implementation in the platform ABI, and different compilers may
implement such features differently, causing ABI incompatibility.
So I retract my statement about compiler incompatibilities. Still, I
ran into linker problems with '*-personality-*' symbols, which appear to
be caused by different compiler quirks / implementation choices. But I
only tested with object files, so perhaps that's not a fair comparison.
I'd expect at the .so level gdc and ldc compiled code ought to be able
to interoperate.
> However, I don't think there are many compiler specific runtime hooks,
> so it should be possible to get e.g. gdc compiled code linking to a
> ldc compiled druntime. I guess the biggest problem here is exception
> handling.
What is it about exception handling that causes problems?
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