D metaclass stuff vs C++23
sascha.orlov at gmail.com
Mon May 13 10:25:22 UTC 2019
On Monday, 13 May 2019 at 09:06:07 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
> Hi,
> In the "show what can be done, not what should be done"
> category, someone has done a C++ version of Hello World using
> the up-coming metaclass stuff:
> https://twitter.com/Cor3ntin/status/1127210941718962177
> I immediately (once I knew about it) replied with the Python
> version:
> https://twitter.com/russel_winder/status/1127859587393163265
> class Hello: pass
> World = None
> if __name__ == '__main__':
> print(" ".join([item for item in dir() if not
> item.startswith("_")]))
> but clearly a better competitor would be a D version. Anyone
> done this sort of thing, i.e. compile time metaclass
> manipulation?
Something like this is possible (for a long time now, I think...),
import std.format;
struct Hello;
int World;
pragma(msg, format!"%s %s"(__traits(allMembers,
mixin(__MODULE__))[$-2 .. $]));
but I'm sure, more cool versions are possible ;)
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