[Update] Re: [OT] Granny-friendly Linux Distros?
sireeshkodali1 at gmail.com
Sat May 25 13:34:14 UTC 2019
On Saturday, 25 May 2019 at 07:16:59 UTC, Nick Sabalausky
(Abscissa) wrote:
> Thanks for the input, all.
> [...]
> - Apparently, Linux (libptp) and iOS both support PTP (ie,
> treating a USB device as a digital camera and transferring
> photos). Don't know what the UX is like on Linux, yet.
> [...]
MTP works fine with Android. However, MTP by design is very
unreliable. Its practically useless for large files. With android
phones though, KDE connect helps a lot.
> - That alone (photo and video transfer) accounts for the main
> iPhone connectivity I was concerned with[...trying to get her
> to actually use since she's constantly low in iPhone storage
> space and doesn't know how to sync]. There *is* some iOS
> connectivity (unfortunately forgot what) that is still
> yet-to-be-working on Linux. But it seems that general, overall
> phone-wide iPhone backups are possible on Linux, which is an
> extra bonus on top of the photos/videos I'm mainly concerned
> with.
If you want to transfer large videos to the iPhone, you can try
MTP. If it doesn't work, iTunes on Wine might be the way to go.
> - Apparently it's possible these days to use ribbon-based
> versions of MS
> Office (which she likes) through Wine. Although, TBH, she
> doesn't seem to use Word (or other Office tools) all that much
> anymore these days, AFAICT.
You can also install the latest LibreOffice as a back up, and
configure it to use the ribbon UI.
https://itsfoss.com/libreoffice-5-3-released/ Its just selecting
the right view in the view menu.
> - I guess, as a last resort anyway, she can still just use her
> old laptop and a USB HDD for anything her new laptop has any
> issues with. (Although her old one doesn't do USB3, but
> still...feasible.)
> [...]
As a Lubuntu user, didn't know this. Thanks.
> - These days, LXDE now has an offshoot I never knew existed,
> called LXQt (ie, Like the name suggests, it's LXDE, but based
> on Qt instead of &@#!%* GTK).
> [...]
GNOME is pretty much OSX + iOS
> - It turns out, based on actual hands-on experience, LXDE (Lub.
> 18.04) is still just as crap as ever (though vastly faster than
> stock Ubuntu), but LXQt (Lub. 18.10) is actually really,
> really, *REALLY* freaking *GOOD*. In fact, *so* freaking good,
> I'm REALLY tempted to ditch KDE in favor of LXQt myself!!!
> (Biggest holdback is the fact that
> <https://github.com/papylhomme/diskmonitor> doesn't have a
> widget or systray tool for LXQt. God I wish [*proactive*!!]
> S.M.A.R.T. tools like that were more standard!!! It's an
> absolute SIN against computing that they aren't </rant>)
> [...]
Well a lot of the major DEs have manpower issues, and to add to
this a massive transition from X11 to Wayland. Kind of hard to
work on "minor" issues.
> - Trying to convert stock Ubuntu LTS to LXDE (let alone LXQt)
> is...well...absolutely INSANE. I can't even find a freaking way
> of *querying* whether I'm using LXDE vs LXQt (other than the
> overly-objective question of "Does the UI seem crap or good?"),
> let alone which version of which I'm running (and no, the
> package managers don't help because even on Lubuntu they report
> I have *NEITHER* LXDE *NOR* LXQt even installed!!!), let alone
> trying to get Ubuntu LTS to use something Lubuntu added in a
> non-LTS...just...forget it, screw the whole "replace stock
> Ubuntu's godawful, Apple-envious, slow-as-f*** DE" notion
> entirely...
> [...]
Never worth converting the DE on most Distros. Use what ever you
got. Otehrwise you end up with broken system or a lot of bloat.
> "Summary" (That's "TL;DR" for you nerds...):
> ------------------------------------------------
> [...]
Dell laptops are actually sold with Linux (developer editions)
> 2. Get a modest USB3 HDD to handle archival needs and shuffling
> data between old-and-new PCs (Because even today, direct LAN
> data-transfer across different OSes (or even the same OS in
> many unfortunate cases, especially if mobiles are involved) is
> still a royal PITA).
USB3 HDDs are fairly cheap. Unfortunately we don't have a proper
file system other than good old FAT32. You can try ExFat, but you
will need to install extra software (I think its not necessary
for Lubuntu)
> 3. Then I'll dual-boot-install Lubuntu 18.10 (non-LTS), but
> retain an optional OEM Windoze partition just-in-case. I'll get
> what she needs up-and-running on that, figure out how to set up
> automatic updates, and leave it at that until Lubuntu has their
> first LXQt-based LTS...at which point I'll update the system to
> that, re-enable automatic updates, and laugh maniacally until
> either A. It becomes clear I've made huge a mistake somewhere
> or B. It becomes clear it's time for her NEXT new computer and
> I'm forced to prepare ANOTHER round of questionable compromises
> for the alleged sake of "progress"...
> [...]
Kill switches are offered by the Purism brand laptops :
They also satisfy most of the other requirements.
They're a privacy oriented brand, and they have linux
pre-installed. might be worth checking out. I have no experience
with their products though.
There's also System 76 https://system76.com/laptops for more
performance oriented stuff.
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