Timestamping as a solution to versioning hell
black80 at bk.ru
Sun May 26 21:27:49 UTC 2019
On Wednesday, 15 May 2019 at 09:14:39 UTC, Alex wrote:
> Time stamping solves all these problems.
> With time stamping, we just have to remember which was the last
> day our program worked(which we can guess, use a search, or
> just look at a time stamp on the exe or source code).
I agree in main point: Dlang/Libs should be versioned with using
timestamp(optional) as project/compiler/dub.
RT will change. Compiler will change. Too difficult store all
versions and changes in one EXE/TAR/ZIP, better use last version
only and store links to known GITs servers from where it can be
Next I will talk about compilers not DUB (I dont use it so dont
know it). Compiler and DUB can spawn some another CLI-tool for
restore RT/compiler from GITs.
- Dlang distro comes with only last version of Phobos(or other
name of RT).
- Modules (should change compiler) are versioned by
Major[.Minor[ExperimentalOrAlphaBetaLetter "abcde.."]] - brackets
means "optional" - 2.11f
import std.xml:2.0 : someFuncsList;
We can (public) import previous version with disable something
old or replaced:
public import std.xml:1.8 : disable A,B,c,d(XmlDocument); // for
concrete implementation of one implementation not all of it.
Or we can write new one from scratch.
Lettered-versions used explicitly only. Or when we asked "2.0"
but 2.0 doesnt exists and RT contains 2.0e for example.
Lattered-version can change in future (will some bugs in
compilations steps but developer takes such risks). And
Unlettered-version allow not to modify code for future when
release 2.0 comes.
TODO I dont remember version for aug-2017, I can setup version by
date std:xml:20170805 (YYYYMMDD where month/day is optional)
(some online DB or just list of GIT tags will enough?).
- All older versions are stored at GITs servers (for better
accessibility lets say in 6 continents). GIT stores tagged
versions. When project/compiler see some fixed date or specific
version that doesnt exists in current installation it downloads
its from one of GITs to some known place (for searching
TODO compiler can changed too. how to store it: as exe (password
leaks can allow malware such EXEs) or as source with compilation
- DUB/project files contains freezed/fixed date (created with
"today".init and can be updated manually or interactivelly for
current/specific date).
Usually u import modules without any version (I am lazy too)
means "use current/last one for fixed date".
TODO what about compiler name (DMD/LDC/GDC/someNew) and version?
how to store it in bin folder? dmd.2.086.0.exe?
Well, I cant to see all use-cases now and many questions will
raise but IMO versioning allow compile D-code after decades
without headache.
Versioning is required feature.
"experimental" named modules shouldn't be used like moveton. Coz
renaming module names in written source is ugly case.
Such versioning (as described above) allow
- to forget name/version hells.
- to use same names for future/new releases.
- to re/store all versions in some known place (GITs).
- to compile any sample from github/book after any changes in
- other many benefits.
Those who do not remember their past are condemned to repeat
their mistakes. (c) dontRememberAuthor
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