List of Pango-available Fonts on a Mac?
Ron Tarrant
rontarrant at
Mon May 27 18:07:10 UTC 2019
I don't have access to a Mac, but I'd like to get a list of fonts
available to OSX Pango/Cairo.
I also haven't sorted out getting a FreeBSD (or any other BSD)
machine set up with X11, D, and GtkD, etc. either, so if someone
could cover that base for me, too...
I've written a little GtkD utility that'll do the job, so if you
have GtkD installed on a Mac or BSD system, all you have to do is
compile and run it in a terminal, redirect the list to a text
file, post it back here, and Bob's yer uncle... well, maybe My
uncle since I'm the one who wants this done.
This is for a post about GTK MVC that I'm working on for the
gtkDcoding blog and if you don't know what that is...
It's my little contribution to the furtherance of D and GTK, a
blog giving examples of as many aspects of GtkD as I can manage
to squeeze out before I go stark, raving mad or run out of things
GTK to cover, whichever comes first.
Here's the code:
// Test Rig Foundation for Learning GtkD Coding
import std.stdio;
import gtk.MainWindow;
import gtk.Main;
import gtk.Box;
import gtk.Widget;
import pango.PgCairoFontMap;
import pango.PgFontMap;
import pango.PgFontFamily;
void main(string[] args)
TestRigWindow myTestRig = new TestRigWindow("Test Rig");;
} // main()
class TestRigWindow : MainWindow
AppBox appBox;
PgFontMap pgFontMap;
PgFontFamily[] pgFontFamilies;
PgFontFamily font;
this(string title)
appBox = new AppBox();
// this becomes part of MVC IX - TreeView with a list of system
fonts (may even have font samples)
pgFontMap = PgCairoFontMap.getDefault();
writeln("A list of all fonts available to Pango on this
foreach(font; pgFontFamilies)
} // this() CONSTRUCTOR
void quitApp(Widget widget)
} // quitApp()
} // class myAppWindow
class AppBox : Box
// add child object definitions here
super(Orientation.VERTICAL, 10);
// instantiate child objects here
// packStart(<child object>, false, false, 0); // LEFT justify
// packEnd(<child object>, false, false, 0); // RIGHT justify
} // this()
} // class AppBox
Thanks for even just thinking about doing this.
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