DIP 1025--Dynamic Arrays Only Shrink, Never Grow--Community Review Round 1
Exil at gmall.com
Mon Nov 11 23:17:56 UTC 2019
On Monday, 11 November 2019 at 22:40:44 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
> On Monday, November 11, 2019 2:41:14 PM MST Walter Bright via
> Digitalmars-d wrote:
>> Memory safety cannot be achieved without control over who is
>> the owner of memory.
> And how does this DIP help with that? Dynamic arrays do not
> know or care where their memory came from, and they do not
> track lifetimes in any way, shape, or form. Doing anything that
> might append to them then guarantees that they're allocated by
> the GC, because that's the only way that they can grow. Without
> doing one of those operations, you would have to actually look
> at the ptr value of the dynamic array and ask the GC whether
> it's owned by the GC. Getting rid of the append operations does
> not change that. It's still impossible to know who owns the
> memory by simply looking at the type, and code that passes
> slices of non-GC allocated memory around has to be aware of the
> lifetime of those dynamic arrays and what's done with them to
> know whether any dynamic arrays referring to that memory still
> exist. The type system doesn't help with that beyond stuff like
> scope and pure limiting what can be done with the dynamic array
> that gets passed in. And getting rid of the append operations
> doesn't change that.
> Sure, right now, if you pass a dynamic array which is a slice
> of malloc-ed memory to a function, that function could append
> to that dynamic array and result in a reallocation. Why is that
> a problem? It's not like that's going to cause a memory leak
> unless it was your only pointer to that memory, and if that's
> the case, having the dynamic array shrink on you would be just
> as big a problem, if not bigger. Either way, you have to know
> what the code is doing with the dynamic array if you're going
> to try to determine when it's safe to free that memory, because
> dynamic arrays can normally be passed around and copied with
> impunity, and they're not reference-counted. Their very nature
> pretty requires that if you're going to have a dynamic array
> which slices non-GC-allocated memory, you have to carefully
> control what you do with it, because nothing about the dynamic
> array manages the lifetime of the memory it points to. That's
> the case whether appending is allowed or not.
> If for some reason, it is actually a problem for a piece of
> code if a dynamic array ever gets appended to, then requiring
> that the code be @nogc fixes that. It's then not possible to
> pass the dynamic array to any functions which might append to
> it.
> Really, code that's using dynamic arrays which are slices of
> anything other than GC-allocated memory has to be very limited
> in how it passes them around regardless of whether appending is
> possible, because dynamic arrays don't manage their own memory
> at all. Code that wants to do much passing around of malloc-ed
> memory to anything other than a pure function where it's clear
> that the slices can't be squirreled away in any of the
> arguments or return value is going to tend to need to wrap that
> memory in something other than a dynamic array in order to
> manage its lifetime - either that, or it needs to be written in
> a way that the programmer can clearly know that anything that
> even might contain a reference to that memory is long gone
> before they're looking to free that memory (e.g. because it's
> allocated at the beginning of the program and freed at the end).
> It looks to me like you're crippling the normal use case in
> attempt to deal with a less common one. And it doesn't look to
> me like it's really fixing anything for that less common use
> case.
> Honestly, if it really is the case that we have to lose the
> ability to append to dynamic arrays in order to get @safety for
> malloc-ed memory, then I'd rather give up on @safety for
> malloc-ed memory and keep the ability to append to dynamic
> arrays. But from what I can tell, the only argument that the
> DIP has for why appending to dynamic arrays even could be a
> problem is because it might be problematic if a dynamic array
> which slices non-GC-allocated memory ends up being copied into
> newly allocated GC memory, because it's appended to. I dispute
> that that's a real problem, and even if it is one, @nogc
> prevents it without any language changes.
> It should be clear to anyone seriously using dynamic arrays that
> int[] slice = cast(int*)malloc(10 * int.sizeof)[0 .. 10];
> slice ~= 1;
> free(slice.ptr); // Oops!
> is a problem. It's a given that appending can cause a
> reallocation. But even if appending weren't allowed, you could
> still have something like
> int[] slice = cast(int*)malloc(10 * int.sizeof)[0 .. 10];
> slice = slice[1 .. $];
> free(slice.ptr); // Oops!
> and have problems, because the dynamic array isn't slicing the
> beginning of that block of memory anymore. So, allowing a
> dynamic array to shrink (or even be assigned to at all) causes
> similar problems as appending in this case. Either way, relying
> on the dynamic array itself to know which pointer to use to
> free that memory is just plain bad practice unless the code is
> definitely never going to do anything that would mutate the
> dynamic array itself (be it slicing, appending, or assignment
> from another array). In general, if code is going to slice
> malloc-ed memory to get a dynamic array, it should be keeping
> around a separate pointer which refers to the block that was
> allocated so that it can free it when no more dynamic arrays
> exist which point to that memory rather than relying on the
> dynamic array for that information. Either way, the general
> inability to track the lifetime of dynamic arrays outside of
> things like scope and pure means that you can't rely on the
> type system to track the lifetime of malloc-ed memory outside
> of functions that simply take an argument and return a result
> (with scope and pure used to ensure that no slices of that
> memory are holed away somewhere).
> As for code such as
> enum { dead, alive }
> int[] cat = new int[6];
> cat[5] = alive;
> int[] b = cat;
> b ~= 1; // may or may not move b to new location
> b[5] = dead; // indeterminate whether cat[5] is dead or alive
> So what? It's a given that appending to a dynamic array could
> cause a reallocation. If that's a problem, the code can check
> the array's capacity first to see if appending would cause a
> reallocation. This behavior of arrays is nothing new and isn't
> specific to dynamic arrays which are slices of memory which
> wasn't allocated by the GC. If the code actually cares about
> whether a reallocation takes place, it can easily check whether
> it will or has taken place, and it can easily prevent it from
> taking place by requiring that the code be @nogc. The DIP does
> nothing to show why this behavior is actually a problem for
> @safe code.
> - Jonathan M Davis
I mean there were warning signs in DIP 1021. But you know what,
this DIP 1025 is starting to grow on me. I like it. The DIP is
absolutely perfect, nothing needs to change about it! I trust
Walter completely, after all "he has a pretty darn good one
[track record]".
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