Some thoughts

Suleyman sahmi.soulaimane at
Sat Nov 30 00:35:35 UTC 2019

On Monday, 25 November 2019 at 16:53:43 UTC, berni44 wrote:
> [snip]
> I would also recommend to reduce the amount of "red" on the 
> whole homepage. Red is associated with "danger" and that works 
> subconciously. As D is percieved as the "red" language, that 
> cannot be removed completely, and that's not necessary, but for 
> example a red line between the main menu and the content is 
> sufficent. Replace the main menu by something from white over 
> gray to black. Or use #3931b0 as a secondary color.

Really, we could reduce the amount of red in the forum. I think 
red here signifies Mars but we earthlings are not used to see a 
lot of red everyday.

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