Feedback on Átila's Vision for D

Ola Fosheim Grøstad ola.fosheim.grostad at
Thu Oct 17 09:31:11 UTC 2019

On Thursday, 17 October 2019 at 07:25:43 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
> I set up the Micrsoft Debian repository for VSCode and 
> installed it and you get then to have to decide which of three 
> or four different D extensions to install. Which is the 
> officially supported one or is it a question of "there are 
> multiple extensions to choose from which you choose is your 
> problem".

The D front page lacks a big "Get Started" button to a tutorial 
for setting up the development environment. So that problem is 
easy to fix.

Other languages also have multiple plugins, but the social 
ranking tends to favour just one with a very very large margin to 
the next contender. So not really a VSCode issue.

> Then there is trying to find out out how to use VSCode.

I view VSCode as an editor and not an IDE, but when trying out 
something new, I usually try VSCode first because plugins for 
VSCode tend to be plug and play for tools that have reached 
critical mass.

I'd be very reluctant to install an IDE just to try out a new 
tool/language. I might if it is developed by the same 
(commercial) team developing the tool/language.

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