Help needed for "recursive template expansion error"

Anthony Abeo anthonyabeo at
Mon Oct 21 18:14:11 UTC 2019

Hello all,

I have an Algebraic type of structs as shown below. One of the 
structs is the `Code` struct and this struct holds an array of 
ATTR_INFO. It is self-referential. Obviously the compiler is 
unable to get the maximum size of ATTR_INFO at compile-time, 
hence throwing the error. I will be very grateful for any help to 
resolve this issue.

alias ATTR_INFO = Algebraic!(SourceFile, ConstantValue, 
Excepsion, Code,
LineNumberTable, LocalVariableTable);

struct Code
	size_t attribute_name_index;
	size_t attribute_len;
	size_t max_stack;
	size_t max_locals;
	size_t code_length;
	const(ubyte[]) code;
	size_t exception_table_length;
	Tuple!(size_t, size_t, size_t, size_t) exception_table;
	size_t attribute_count;
	ATTR_INFO[] attributes;

/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/variant.d(1517,23): Error: template 
instance `VariantN!(maxSize!(SourceFile, ConstantV
alue, Excepsion, Code, LineNumberTable, LocalVariableTable), T)` 
recursive template expansion
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/variant.d(87,48): Error: template 
instance `std.variant.maxSize!(Code, LineNumberTable
, LocalVariableTable)` error instantiating
instantiated from here: maxSize!(Excepsion, Code, LineNumberT
able, LocalVariableTable)
instantiated from here: maxSize!(ConstantValue, Excepsion, Code, 
LineNumberTable, LocalVariableTable)
instantiated from here: maxSize!(SourceFile, ConstantValue, 
Excepsion, Code, LineNumberTable, LocalVariableTable)
source/app.d(8,19):        instantiated from here: 
Algebraic!(SourceFile, ConstantValue, Excepsion, Code, 
LineNumberTable, LocalVariableTable)
/Library/D/dmd/bin/dmd failed with exit code 1.

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