On Forum Moderation

NaN divide at by.zero
Wed Oct 23 07:42:59 UTC 2019

On Tuesday, 22 October 2019 at 22:16:17 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 08:40:52PM +0000, NaN via Digitalmars-d 
> wrote:
>> Trolling is literally defined by the intent. You cant say the 
>> intent is irrelevant, it's the whole point of trolling.
> I think you missed Walter's point. The crucial operating word 
> here in Walter's post is "specifics".
> No matter how "trollish" a complaint may sound, if it contains 
> a description of a specific problem, such as "D sucks because 
> when I tried to import std.zip, it gave me error XYZ!", then 
> action can be taken to ensure that the same complaint will no 
> longer be valid in the future. Regardless of how "trollish" the 
> intent behind it may be, such a complaint is actually useful 
> because it points out actual, specific problems that can be 
> addressed.
> But when a complaint is vague and has no specifics, then no 
> action can be taken. Saying "D is no good" is non-specific, and 
> inherently unfixable, because even if you try to make D better 
> in the general sense, that doesn't mean the author will think 
> that it's better now. He can continue repeating "D is still no 
> good" forever, and you can never fix the problem because the 
> problem is non-specific and undefined.
> Usually, the reasonable response to a non-specific complaint 
> like "D sucks" is to ask for more specific details.  But when 
> all efforts to obtain specific information fails, then it 
> becomes clear beyond any reasonable doubt that the author is 
> just mud-slinging; he does not actually have a specific problem 
> in mind but is merely making vague complaints that can't ever 
> be addressed. The persistent evasion of specific complaints 
> proves beyond doubt that the intent is to troll, not to help.

No I got his point. If it's just pointless complaining that 
nobody can do anything about then it's trolling, even if its not 
meant that way the result is the same.

I dont agree, just complaining even pointlessly is not trolling. 
If it keeps going on and on and the poster doesnt want help or 
isnt interested in the issue being addressed in some way then you 
can say they are "probably" trolling. Thats pretty much what you 
say in your last paragraph.

But dont redefine trolling from the wrong end. Trolling may be a 
waste of time, but being a waste of time isnt trolling.

Is I said im my other reply you be better to say..

Drift off topic and your posts may be deleted.
Flogging a dead horse and your posts may be deleted.
Personal insults and your posts may be deleted.

Dont even mention trolling.

But there still needs to be an off topic group imo.

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