Is it time for D 3.0?

Timon Gehr timon.gehr at
Mon Apr 13 09:17:48 UTC 2020

On 13.04.20 09:30, Kaitlyn Emmons wrote:
> On Monday, 13 April 2020 at 07:13:37 UTC, Kaitlyn Emmons wrote:
> In d3 can we make all functions and templates aliases to literals?
> EG:
> alias fun = (int x, int y) {
>       // some fun >.>
> }
> alias funT = template(T){
>       alias this = (T x, T y){
>            // some T fun >o>
>       }
> }
> Also can we merge the concept of alias this with the way templates work 
> by declaring an alias with the same name as the template.
> Also in d3 can we extend operator overloading to ALL aliases not just 
> certain ones..
> Eg i wana declare a namespace that overrides opDispatch

Some of those suggestions are (to a large extent) backwards compatible. 
The reason why operator overloading does not get fixed is that there's a 
vocal group of people who think the weird restrictions prevent "abuse". 
In reality, e.g., if all you really wanted was to overload the '<' 
operator, opCmp is just inefficient and error prone.

Here's a small obvious improvement that would break code massively: 
Introduce consistency between template/function declaration and 
instantiation/call syntax, e.g.:

auto fun!T(T x,T y)(T z){ ... }

(One template parameter, curried function definition.)

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