Casting by assigning to the right ...

Manfred Nowak svv1999 at
Tue Apr 14 05:56:39 UTC 2020

... is already builtin via properties.

After declaring
struct S{ int data;}
S s;
int i;

one often would like to implicitly cast the value of the 
structure by typing
i= s;

According to the logged changes ( a thought on this 
was published in 2008/03 for D2.012: `opImplicitCast', but not 
implemented since.

Therefore one still has to introduce an `opCast' into `S' and 
then write
i= cast( int)  s;

I do not like to always correctly examine the type of the 
variable I am assigning to ( `i' in this case) for using that 
type in the `cast()' and came up with the idea to no more assign 
to the left but to the right:
s.castTo =i;

Of course one has to define the property `castTo' within `S', but 
that has the signature
   `void castTo( ref int arg)'
which is as simple as the signature of `opCast'. A runnable 
example follows. What do you think?

struct S{
   string data;
   int opCast( T: int)(){
       import std.conv: to;
     return to!int( data);
   void castTo( ref int arg){
     arg= cast( int)  this;
void main(){
   auto s= S( "42");
   int i;
   s.castTo =i;
     import std.stdio;
   writeln( i);

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