I dun a DIP, possibly the best DIP ever
Steven Schveighoffer
schveiguy at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 14:02:45 UTC 2020
On 4/22/20 9:35 AM, Manu wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 11:20 PM Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d
> <digitalmars-d at puremagic.com <mailto:digitalmars-d at puremagic.com>> wrote:
> On 4/22/20 8:04 AM, Manu wrote:
> > We have a compile time problem, and this is basically the cure.
> > Intuitively, people imagine CTFE is expensive (and it kinda is), but
> > really, the reason our compile times are bad is
> template instantiation.
> >
> > This DIP single-handedly fixes compile-time issues in programs I've
> > written by reducing template instantiations by near-100%, in
> particular,
> > the expensive ones; recursive instantiations, usually
> implementing some
> > form of static map.
> >
> > https://github.com/dlang/DIPs/pull/188
> >
> > This is an RFC on a draft, but I'd like to submit it with a
> reference
> > implementation soon.
> >
> > Stefan Koch has helped me with a reference implementation, which
> has so
> > far gone surprisingly smoothly, and has shown 50x improvement in
> compile
> > times in some artificial tests.
> Yes please! Where is the reference implementation? I want to try some
> things out.
> The link is in the DIP.
Oops, it's at the top, I missed that. Thanks.
> Most tests we've done are working, except template instantiation
> expansion is not yet implemented: ie, Thing!(Tuple, x, y)...
> That's got a lot of implementation baggage attached to it in DMD.
Ugh, I think I won't be able to test then, most of this stuff works with
lists of types, not values.
And come to think of it, staticMap works, but I need Filter as well. I
suppose it can help a bit, but I still am going to have tons of
"temporary" templates that are going to clog up the memory.
Stefan, where's that implementation of first class types for CTFE-only
functions you promised? ;)
> I expect you won't be able to run practical tests on real code yet
> without TemplateInstance expansion.
> The problem is that existing code is factored exclusively into
> template instantiations, so a trivial experiment will apply to existing
> code in that form.
The trivial experiment to test is to take a list of types with possible
duplicates and remove all duplicates. It doesn't have to be in any order.
I'm hoping something like this might work:
template NewFilter(pred, T...)
template process(U) {
static if(pred!U) alias process = U;
else alias process = AliasSeq!();
alias NewFilter = AliasSeq!(process!(T)...); // do I need the
AliasSeq here?
template RemoveDuplicates(T...)
template keepIt(U) {
enum isSame(V) = __traits(isSame, U, V);
enum keepIt = NewFilter!(isSame, T).length == 1;
alias RemoveDuplicates = NewFilter!(keepIt, T);
Will this work better? You will still have a bunch of NewFilter,
process, keepIt, and isSame instantiations, all with horribly long
symbol names. But of note is there is no recursive instantiation patterns.
One thing I noticed, in order to use a property on a static map
expansion (i.e. call a function with the resulting sequence, or access
.length), you will need extra parentheses to distinguish the ... token
from the . token.
Is there an easier/better way to do this with the new feature?
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