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Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 19:08:23 UTC 2020

On Tuesday, 28 April 2020 at 18:41:19 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> Y'know, this makes me wonder if it might be worth having 
> something akin to a compile-time out-contract that asserts 
> certain attributes of the returned type. For example:

That's not a bad idea. You can do that with an ordinary out 
contract right now and my doc generator includes it too.

auto foo(T)(T t)
         out(ret; isInputRange!(typeof(return))
         return t;

of course it is run at runtime which means an isInputRange symbol 
can be generated and such sooo not ideal....... but we could add:

enum ctfe(bool a) = a;

to force that. Maybe even static assert like that, but don't want 
to add too much syntax lest the docs get ugly again and defeats 
the point.


template Typed(Conds...) {
         bool Typed(R)(R r) {
                 static foreach(Cond; Conds)
                         static assert(Cond!R);
                 return true;

auto foo(T)(T t)
         out(ret; ret.Typed!(isInputRange))
         return t;

That syntax isn't awful, could be fairly legible in docs, does CT 
checks, optimize to literal `true` in the binary. I know, I know, 
a bunch of templates but it works today.

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