ubyte[] to string with @nogc - different behaviors
lucien.perregaux at gmail.com
Wed Aug 5 19:43:18 UTC 2020
On Wednesday, 5 August 2020 at 18:46:19 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer
> On 8/5/20 2:17 PM, Luhrel wrote:
>> extern(D) string readString(ref const(ubyte)[] buffer) @nogc
>> nothrow
>> {
>> Array!ubyte bytes;
> Array is a reference counted type -- at the end of this scope,
> if there are no more references to it, it will *free the
> memory* being used.
Oh, okay I see now.
>> ubyte b = buffer.read!ubyte();
>> while (b)
>> {
>> bytes.insertBack(b);
>> b = buffer.read!ubyte();
>> }
>> if (bytes.length())
>> {
>> import core.stdc.stdio : printf;
>> import core.stdc.stdlib;
>> char* str_ptr = cast(char*)malloc(bytes.length() *
>> ubyte.sizeof);
>> string str = cast(string)str_ptr[0 .. bytes.length()];
>> str = cast(string)bytes[];
> Adam is right, you are not copying data here, just reassigning
> the reference.
> Not only that, but the expression bytes[] is not just a simple
> array, it's a range. I don't know what this does, but I
> wouldn't trust it.
It's a shortcut for bytes[0 .. bytes.length]
> What you likely want is:
> str[] = bytes.data[];
Nope. I use the Array struct from rt.utils.container.array, which
doesn't have a `data` property.
> This will copy all the data from the Array to the string.
> However, I don't really understand the point of this function.
> What does buffer.read!ubyte do?
It returns the first ubyte in the `buffer`. Once read, the ubyte
is deleted from `buffer`.
> If you have a more descriptive statement on what you want to
> accomplish, I'm sure it can be done in a simpler way than what
> you are trying to do here.
I'm improving rt.backtrace.dwarf, specifically the
readLineNumberProgram function, which is @nogc, the source of all
my problems :D.
DWARF v5 have a special DW_LNCT_path tag, which can be in the
form DW_FORM_string.
From the spec: "A string is a sequence of contiguous non-null
bytes followed by one null
byte." - Commonly called a C string.
So, I need to read all non-null bytes in the buffer, until I
found one. But, as readLineNumberProgram is @nogc, it's kinda
hard for me (I don't come from C/C++).
>> printf("String: %s\tLength: %lld\n", str.ptr,
>> bytes.length); // Works
>> return str;
>> }
>> return null;
>> }
> At this point the data used by bytes (and therefore pointed at
> by str) are freed. So you are returning a dangling pointer here.
> -Steve
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