A strange div bug on Linux x86_64, (both dmd & ldc2): long -5000 / size_t 2 = 9223372036854773308

James Blachly james.blachly at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 23:33:27 UTC 2020

On 8/13/20 5:33 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
> There are some things everyone simply needs to know to use a systems 
> programming language successfully:
> ...


You make a very good case for the choice overall but not the lack of 
warnings. Part of the issue (IMO) is that D is /more/ than just a 
systems language (side note, it sometimes seems it tries to be 
everything to everyone), hence the original complaint of "silent" or 
surprising errors cropping up in the context of e.g.


returning ulong. Especially in cases like this, compiler warnings would 
be helpful.


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