A strange div bug on Linux x86_64, (both dmd & ldc2): long -5000 / size_t 2 = 9223372036854773308
mingwu at gmail.com
Fri Aug 14 02:10:20 UTC 2020
On Thursday, 13 August 2020 at 23:47:30 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> checkedint is really a nice package. I encourage you to check
> it out.
Yes, it works:
But it need a more *automatic* way to use this package to be
useful, i.e. minimal change on existing code base (all over the
places), from:
void default_div() {
long[] a = [-5000L, 0L];
long c = sum(a) / a.length;
writeln(c); // 9223372036854773308
alias Long = Checked!long;
void checked_div() {
Long[] a = [checked(-5000L), checked(0L)];
Long c = sum(a) / a.length; // compile error
writeln(c); // Checked!(long, Abort)(-2500)
currently, there is a compile error
Error: template std.experimental.checkedint.Checked!(long,
Abort).Checked.__ctor cannot deduce function from argument types
!()(Checked!(ulong, Abort))
have to re-write it as:
Long c = sum(a);
c /= a.length;
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