Is there any language that native-compiles faster than D?

Per Nordlöw per.nordlow at
Fri Aug 21 23:13:16 UTC 2020

On Friday, 21 August 2020 at 23:08:05 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:
> ./benchmark --languages=D,Go --function-count=200 
> --function-depth=450 --run-count=1
> DMD is still far ahead of Go aswell; about 2.5x faster on check 
> and 10x faster on build for my contrived example.

Here's the prel. Markdown-formatted table with ref Go compiler 
version 1.15 added:

| Lang-uage | Oper-ation | Temp-lated | Time [s/fn] | Slowdown vs 
[Best] | Version | Exec |
| :---: | :---: | --- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| D | Check | No | 0.634 | 1.0 [D] | v2.093.1-538-ge9c22d712 | 
`dmd` |
| D | Check | No | 0.691 | 1.1 [D] | 1.23.0 | `ldmd2` |
| D | Check | Yes | 1.600 | 2.5 [D] | v2.093.1-538-ge9c22d712 | 
`dmd` |
| D | Check | Yes | 1.647 | 2.6 [D] | 1.23.0 | `ldmd2` |
| D | Build | No | 1.518 | 1.0 [D] | v2.093.1-538-ge9c22d712 | 
`dmd` |
| D | Build | No | 17.536 | 11.6 [D] | 1.23.0 | `ldmd2` |
| D | Build | Yes | 2.696 | 1.8 [D] | v2.093.1-538-ge9c22d712 | 
`dmd` |
| D | Build | Yes | 18.178 | 12.0 [D] | 1.23.0 | `ldmd2` |
| Go | Check | No | 1.554 | 2.5 [D] | 1.15 | `gotype` |
| Go | Check | No | 2.232 | 3.5 [D] | 9.3.0 | `gccgo-9` |
| Go | Check | No | 2.244 | 3.5 [D] | 10.2.0 | `gccgo-10` |
| Go | Build | No | 13.717 | 9.0 [D] | 1.15 | `go` |
| Go | Build | No | 53.743 | 35.4 [D] | 9.3.0 | `gccgo-9` |
| Go | Build | No | 57.711 | 38.0 [D] | 10.2.0 | `gccgo-10` |

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