Is there any language that native-compiles faster than D?

Stefan Koch uplink.coder at
Wed Aug 26 14:31:26 UTC 2020

On Wednesday, 26 August 2020 at 13:07:03 UTC, drug wrote:
> On 8/26/20 4:02 PM, ketmar wrote:
>> you're right... with the current backend. but with universal 
>> SSA backend, once you lowered the code to SSA, it doesn't 
>> matter anymore. for native code, lowering engine can emit 
>> direct memory manipulation SSA opcodes, and for CTFE it can 
>> emit function calls. the backend doesn't care, it will still 
>> produce machine code you can either write to disk, or run 
>> directly. or don't even bother producing machine code at all, 
>> but run some SSA optimisers and execute SSA code directly.
> What are disadvantages of SSA based backend?

Well formed SSA is a little tricky to generate.
And does not map well on hardware.
Without a few dedicated rewrite and optimization passes, it 
produces code which is dog slow.

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