Bugs as enhancements

jmh530 john.michael.hall at gmail.com
Mon Dec 28 03:15:47 UTC 2020

On Sunday, 27 December 2020 at 13:36:44 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
> [snip]

For reference, this was also discussed recently here [1]. I'm not 
sure if the tone on that thread was the best to push this idea 
forward, perhaps this one might be a bit better.


To the example you provide, the following does compile

struct Foo(T) {}
alias Bar(T) = Foo!T;
void f(T)(Bar!T x) {}

void main() {

In other words, the problem is due to type deduction of alias 
templates. No type deduction, no problem.

Here's another simple example of using this feature to facilitate 
the use of something like Concepts:

enum bool check(T) = is(T == float);

template Concept(T, alias U)
     static assert(U!T);
     alias Concept = T;

void foo(T)(Concept!(T, check) x) { }

void main() {
     Concept!(float, check) x;
     foo(x); //does not compile
     foo!float(x); //does compile

ideally you could also use it as in
alias Check(T) = Concept!(T, check);
void foo(T)(Check!(T) x) { }


Reading over the issue [2] again, one of the sticking points that 
is provided is (without including some of the BlasMatrix-related 

alias PackedUpperTriangularMatrix(T) = Slice!(StairsIterator!(T*, 

void composeLU(T)(
     PackedLowerTriangularMatrix!(const T) l, // First Slice type 
for Lower Matrix
     PackedUpperTriangularMatrix!(const T) u, // Second Slice type 
for Lower Matrix
     BlasMatrix!T lu, // Third Slice type for General Matrix
     if (is(T == float) && is(T == double))

with the alternative

enum isPackedUpperTriangularMatrix(T) = is(T: 
Slice!(StairsIterator!(U*, "-")), U);

void composeLU(L, U, LU)(L l, U u, LU lu)
        && isPackedUpperTriangularMatrix!U
        && isBlasMatrix!LU
        && /* .. */

A point that Ilya makes is that you need to fill in the /* .. */, 
which makes the whole thing become something like

void composeLU(L, U, LU)(L l, U u, LU lu)
        && isPackedUpperTriangularMatrix!U
        && isBlasMatrix!LU
        && (is(Unqual!(ForeachType!L) == float) || 
is(Unqual!(ForeachType!L) == double)))
        && is(ForeachType!L == ForeachType!U)
        && is(ForeachType!LU == Unqual!(ForeachType!L))

It really does help make the case for the change when you have to 
write them all out yourself.

[2] https://github.com/dlang/dmd/pull/9778

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