DIP 1027--String Interpolation--Final Review Feedback Thread
dkorpel at gmail.com
Mon Feb 3 11:54:51 UTC 2020
On Thursday, 30 January 2020 at 09:47:43 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> This is the feedback thread for DIP 1027, "String
> Interpolation".
> is the proposed feature specified in sufficient detail?
Some things are not clear to me.
- Is InterpolatedString meant to be added to
Since it is a PrimaryExpression, it is already allowed as a
template argument in brackets.
- How does that work? Especially regarding this:
> InterpolatedExpresssions undergo semantic analysis similar to
> MixinExpression
The specification does not describe MixinExpressions in much
It is unclear why interpolated strings use the same rules.
alias T = int; mixin(T, " a = 8", -3, ";"); would result in "int
a = 8-3;" being mixed in since T becomes T.stringof and -3
becomes "-3".
Turning arguments into strings at compile time does not make
sense for an interpolated string though.
- The 'Concatenation' section is not very specific.
It does not mention whether the interpolated string grammar is
parsed on the raw string literal or the escaped string literal,
e.g. can I do `i"""\x24apples"` instead of i"$apples"?
It also does not mention the type of the resulting string literal
when wstrings or dstrings are appended to the interpolated string.
- The way Character, CharacterNoBraces and CharacterNoParen are
used in the grammar is ambiguous.
It allows unlimited non-{} / non-() characters, meaning $ and "
are allowed too.
The grammar in its current form can produce any nonsensical
string (e.g. i"i$)("$i}{"""$$$}}}{}") with near-arbitrary choice
for FormatString and Argument placement.
If ambiguity were resolved by picking the first option, then
rules for FormatString and Argument are unreachable.
Suggested actions: Specify how interpolated strings work as
template arguments, fix the grammar, and clarify the
Concatenation section.
> are edge cases, flaws, and risks identified and addressed?
It is claimed that:
> It also makes interpolated strings agnostic about what the
> format specifications are.
> The meaning of the format specifications is unknown to the core
> language.
This is simply false, because the question "why is %s inserted by
default" can only be answered with "that is Phobos' format
specifier convention". Any attempt at a format function that has
no special meaning for % will be at a disadvantage.
Consider this example:
int s = 3;
format(i" 8%s = 8%$s ");
// = format(" 8%s = 8%%s ", 3);
// = " 83 = 8%s ";
Here the variable s got formatted at completely the wrong place
because a %s was already there and the %s that the interpolated
string inserted got escaped. The DIP identifies "Mixing
Conventional Format Arguments With Interpolated Strings" as a
limitation but does not address the fact that the current design
requires the programmer to take special note of $ and % and the
format string convention, or errors might occur, some of which
are undetectable at compile time or run time.
- Nested interpolated strings are not considered. Is i"$(i"$x")"
an error because the second " ends the literal early? Is
i""`$(i"$x")` equal to tuple("%s", "%s", x), or is this not
allowed? Failure / succes cases of using nested interpolated
strings should be explored to determine whether it is allowed or
- It is weird to me that interpolated strings are not compatible
with the c, w and d postfixes.
It is inconsistent with every other string literal, and the claim
that the postfixes are used rarely is not backed up by anything.
I see ""w strings often being used with Windows API functions
which use UTF-16.
Suggested actions: Change the design to be truly format specifier
agnostic, specify how nested interpolated strings work, allow
other encodings.
> is there an implementation that proves the proposed feature
> works in practice?
No. There is only an implementation of a different proposal:
Morover, the DIP does not explore use cases apart from printf and
Many contexts that can benefit from interpolated strings
(Exception / assertion messages, mixin, code generation for
domain specific languages such as SQL) are not considered.
Suggested actions: Explore expected use cases and how
interpolated strings will work in them, or let people toy with a
prototype before settling on a final design.
> does the DIP consider prior work from other languages?
A prior work section contains a link to the Wikipedia page on
interpolated strings, and a few links to previous proposals, but
no attempt is made to compare the proposed design with others. In
the review summary some design goals are listed based on the
discussion of the previous review round:
> the implementation must be compatible with BetterC, meaning
> printf and similar C functions
Why should it work in BetterC when interpolated strings are not a
feature in C?
Why is direct compatibility with printf needed, is printf
actually used commonly in D code outside of dmd and BetterC code?
Why is a custom function that accepts an interpolated string and
forwards it to printf not acceptable instead?
> the implementation must not trigger GC allocations
> the implementation must not depend on Phobos
I assume this is with reference to the idea "why no assignment to
It should be noted that nobody proposed interpolated strings
always directly go to string, just that they may implicitly
convert to string, meaning the counter arguments don't apply
since interpolated strings can still be used in BetterC, just not
the string conversion functionality.
The requirement 'must not depend on Phobos' should also be
motivated, for example by links to bugzilla issues with problems
that the ^^ operator (which depends on std.math: pow) has.
> the implementation must be performant
The proposed design is notably not optimal in performance. It
does not work with the writef variant that takes that format
string at compile time, meaning the format string must be parsed
at runtime, and a FormatException might get thrown.
Suggested actions: enumerate and motivate design goals in
Rationale section, explain why proposed design best fits those
goals. Compare other proposed designs and motivate why the DIP's
design wins.
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