DIP 1030--Named Arguments--Community Review Round 1 Discussion
Steven Schveighoffer
schveiguy at gmail.com
Thu Feb 6 15:30:40 UTC 2020
On 2/6/20 4:39 AM, Andrea Fontana wrote:
> On Thursday, 6 February 2020 at 06:08:59 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
>> This is the feedback thread for the first round of Community Review
>> for DIP 1030, "Named Arguments":
> What about UFSC + named arguments?
Responding to this and the one in the feedback thread.
My understanding is that UFCS works like this:
translates to:
foo(a, ...);
So if you follow that logic, the rules apply after that translation as
if you called the function that way.
void doStuff(int a, string b, double c) {}
3.doStuff(6.7, b: "ham") => doStuff(3, 6.7, b: ham) => error, no match
(6.7 doesn't match type to b)
3.doStuff(c: 6.7, b: "ham") => doStuff(3, c: 6.7, b: ham) => OK, all
parameters match
3.doStuff(a: 5, "ham", 6.7) => doStuff(3, a: 5, "ham", 6.7) => error,
cannot match a twice
Might be a good point to add UFCS discussion to the DIP.
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